
Foam Rollers and a Veggie Tales Bible

I'm a runner.  I'm slower than most and faster than some.  I run because I love it.  It's peaceful and quiet and nothing but me, my Lord and my music.  Most runs are morning runs and I am very blessed to see the sunrise as I run.

Sometime in May, I messed my back up.  It went into crazy spasm mode and wouldn't stop.  It would ease up a bit and then I'd run...and then spasm again and ease up....a vicious cycle for a runner (well really for anyone).

I know that part of the problem was my lack of commitment to stretching post workout.  I would generally come home from a run, stretch a little and then gear up for my day of teaching our three energetic boys.

Enter the FOAM ROLLER.

Yes, that's right, and if you've rolled your muscles before when you read that you probably read it with delight.  The foam roller is amazing.  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.  In fact, so much so that I've decided I now have "foam roller induced ADD."  Every time I walk into a room and see my roller I basically stop what I'm doing and start rolling.  It's just that helpful.

So you may be wondering what type did I get?  Did I just run to Target and grab something off the shelf?  Did I get the cheapest one? The cutest one?  How did I decide...why is it that I just can't stop rolling.  It is not the cuteness, or price, or anything else.  Rather it is the benefits of rolling that makes it nearly impossible to not do.

I should probably back up my story a bit and share that I had several friends and fellow runners suggested I start rolling.  However, my sweet best friend said, "come to my house and I will teach you.  I will watch you and see what you are doing wrong and help you learn to do it right to prevent injury."  Did I mention that I love my best friend?

So I went, and learned and tried it and now... I'm fighting foam roller ADD all day, because I've got stuff to do.  I need to accomplish things.  Seriously, I can not roll all day long..

This afternoon as I finished rolling for the 4th time today, I began to think about how the roller "calls" to me when I see it, I've been laughing at myself for days and how often I use this thing I was once so afraid of.  This crazy foam roller that once scared me and seemed overwhelming and daunting so it stayed far away from my mind now captivates a fair amount of my time.

The Lord whispered softly to my heart as I was chuckling at myself.  "Don't I beckon you like that?  My word sits, perfect, holy, pure...waiting...powerful and true...ready."

And the beauty of my God is that not only is He exactly right, why am I not more fervently seeking Him?  Why do I not have "reading the word induced ADD?"  I can walk into a room see my bible, and turn and walk out..often without thinking, 'maybe I should just sit awhile and 'roll' through some pages.'
 (yes this is the Bible I was reading...and yes it's my sons' Veggie Tales Bible...
the blessing of children and a God who pursues my heart)

But as the Lord lovingly whispered to my soul this afternoon, it was pure sweetness.   No condemnation because "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1  Rather it was the sound of the loving Father, drawing me near, answering my prayers to "restore a steadfast spirit within me" (Ps 51:10) and showing me yet again, He does make all things new, He is the Perfecter of my faith and He is the Source.  He is the Vine and the Vinedresser, who both grows and prunes for His glory.

I wonder, like my best friend, who lovingly gave of her time, to teach, assess and demonstrate how to utilize the foam roller, have you found a friend in Christ who will teach you His word, demonstrate living it out and will come along side you in love and help you assess your heart that you would be continuing to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Have you found that, as good as fellowship with believers is here on earth that your Heavenly Father longs to draw you into intimacy with Him through His word, Prayer and His Holy Spirit working inside of you?  Have you relied on Him to whisper to your soul His transforming truth that penetrates to the soul for eternal transformation?

I would challenge you dear reader, next time you are seeking more of God to quiet your heart before Him and just listen.  He is there.  Right there.  Whispering to your soul, in peace and grace and without condemnation to speak life into your soul.

Can I encourage you with this dear friend, when you feel as if you are far from God or your quiet time isn't what it should be, or even if it is and consistent yet you still feel 'off'  cry out to God,  cry along with David, "Create in my a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."  Psalm 51:10.  Keep asking, keep waiting, don't give up...we have a God who does not give up on us.  He pursues us, and we need His grace to pursue Him.

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