
I am a thirty something stay at home wife, mother and homeschool teacher who at the very thought of those titles would have gone running for the hills before Christ.  He has changed me, made me a complete new creation who delights in following His call.

I homeschool three boys nine and under, there is never ever a dull moment in our home.  I married to my best friend and beyond blessed by how the Lord provides for us each step of the way.

This is my creative outlet.  My passion is to share Christ and the power of His word with believers, that they would experience Him daily as I do, the One, True, Living God who loves His children, and desires that none should perish but all would come to eternal life.  Along the way you might find crazy parenting antics that may hit home, or you might feast on the Word of God with me, or perhaps your soul will be drawn into relationship with Christ.  Whatever you find in "All Things" my prayer is you are deeply blessed for God's glory!

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