
4:50 this morning

Okay so it's fall...nearing winter and in the Valentine house that means my middle son usually wakes up by 5am...which is fine, I'm totally a morning person, but typically that's my time...I like to get up, read, pray and then get a nice shower in before the "madness" as I've termed it. My house is a bit nuts with the three kiddos....I know it could be crazier...and all the while...I LOVE it...my boys are amazing...I love to watch them grow and think and learn. At any rate...here it is 6 after 6 and I don't know what to do with myself b/c all three boys are still sleeping...so here I am writing on a blog...totally new at this really..and just thought you know...I'm going to start writing a blog...I've always wanted to be a writer...and I just don't have time right now...so here's my little outlet.
I woke up and started reading 2 timothy 2 this morning. I felt like I was reading my life in the pages of Scripture....does that ever happen to you? Well that was really a rhetorical question b/c it's got to..God's word is living and active...so I know it happens to others...I'm just continually humbled by God's word and how it so accurately applies to my life and so completely it portrays my heart. Consider this, "No solider in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a solider. Also if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not win the prize unless he competes by the rules." 2 Tim. 2:4-5. Is this saying I shouldn't have anything to do with everyday life? No I don't believe so...otherwise I would think God would save us and the take us to heaven so that we wouldn't....but instead God saves us and leaves us here on earth, to be that solider for Jesus that does not entangle himself with everyday business...to the extent that it takes our focus off Christ...and to the extent that we no longer play by the rules...failing to observe God's command to obey Him. The prize of course is Jesus....is there any other? I think that God loves us soo much He just longs for us to obey that we can see the prize.....yesterday was a rough day for me...a day when to be honest I didn't obey Ephesians 4:29....we had a situation at our house...and it was really nuts...the alarm starting going off and would not stop...it cycled about every 20 minutes and the siren went off for 5 minutes....so you'd think...well enter the code and be done with it....yeah...me too..except we've only had this home for about a year and when we bought it the previous owners never left us the code....nor did we continue the service...so we thought it was fine...well...needless to say my adventurous two year old (okay strong willed and stubborn is more accurate) climbed up on the barstool and started punching buttons on the keypad...next thing I know...madness...sirens gong off...I'm calling people trying to get help....which no one will give me b/c I'm not the owner according to their records....all the while my boys are running around trying to find a quiet place in the house...which there is none...and my youngest at 4 months..is just crying....I can't do anything...I put them in the car...and continue to call people...hoping that the car will be a bit quieter...and we can leave soon...as I've listened to this siren in my house now for near 45 minutes...I just broke down and started crying...I couldn't think straight..and I got very upset and wasn't nice to the alarm company "customer service" as they would not help me....FINALLY...a breakthrough...an electrician comes from around the corner to disarm the system...he hands me his business card so I know who to pay...and turns out he's a fellow believer...which as soon as I opened the door...I knew...I could feel God's presence...it was almost as if..He walked through my door and said, "Brittany I've got this...just relax....run to Me and trust in Me...I will work it out" So as I read the sweet words of scripture t his morning, not only did I ask for forgiveness for my unkind attitude to the lady at the company...I just marveled at the sustaining grace of God, that when I was not competing according to the rules...He remained faithful...b/c "IT is a trustworthy statement: For if we died with Him, we will also live with Him, if we endure, will we also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He also will deny us; if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself." 2 Timothy 2:11-13 How many ways did I fail my Lord yesterday in that situation? Countless.....but I'm so humbled by the irresistible grace of God as...He has staked His claim on my life...beginning on June 5, 1995...and He remains faithful for He can not deny Himself...and I am not my own...I was bought with a price...the blood of Christ.

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