
completeness and sufficiency

I'm completely in awe of the completeness of Scripture. Today I was pondering Joseph's grace to his brothers, and his right view of God and who God is. As I have been going throughout my day today, I just can't stop thinking on this. I mean, here is Joseph, sold into slavery in Egypt...he did not know God's plan, and how God would use this event. Can you imagine what Joseph must have contemplated as he spent time in that hole his brothers threw him in? It's wild to think on, because we don't know what he thought, we're not told...but we are human as well and we know he must have gone through a variety of emotions. Anyway, I've been thinking on this act specifically in regard to what happened next, the famine in the land that brought Joseph's brothers to Egypt, which in turn led the Israelites to stay in Egypt, which led to their bondage in slavery to the Egyptians, which then led to their deliverance by God, through Moses, one of our most loved faithful servants. I mean, talk about the whole picture of God's word coming together to show the completeness of His word and the beauty of His redemption. Sometimes I know, we think ugh..the Old Testament it's tough, hard to read filled with all kinds of statistics and records...but really...stop and ponder...what does the whole picture show us. Long ago, a Bible teacher spoke this to me, "ponder God's word in the context of God's word" So as we study God's word and we see bits and pieces of it, it's hard to "piece" together it's entirety, and I"m sure you've heard well everything in the Old Testament points to Jesus...I challenge you to get into the Word yourself and discover the amazing ways tat God does point to our need for a Savior, and His continued sufficiency. Recently I am blessed to continually hear, "God's word is sufficient." When I first heard it spoken I thought, of course, that's it. But then as I've started reading this year at Genesis, I've been completely blown away by it. The sufficiency. I can not seem to get over this today, and I am thankful for that. I love the sweet words of Isaiah, "the grass withers and the flower fade, but the word of the Lord stands forever" Isaiah 40:8

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