
The High Call of Mothering!!!

I have long felt that as a follower of Christ, convinced within the depths of my soul that mothering matters...beyond words and is kingdom work, that the high calling of mothering is all but spat upon by our modern society.

As I read the words of this sister in Christ this morning, I was blessed!! Thankful and encouraged. I pray her words do that for your soul as well. We must not forget that children are a blessing, and the Lord uses them in countless ways in our lives....ways we never would have imagined when we first thought, "I'd like to be a mom one day." Our desire to be a mother comes from the Lord, and yet....we learn that being a mother is so much more than about being called "Mom, Mommy, Mother or Mama." Being a mother reaches to the depth of your soul...and transforms you from the inside out....to God be the glory!!!

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