
I just can't go another step

“Mommy I can't make it I need your help..” the sweet words of my four year old called to me from somewhere in the house...so I started out to find him...and there he was laying down halfway up the stairs. When I asked him how I could help...he just told me he really wanted to play with his Lego Batman, but Batman was upstairs...and he was too tired to go all the way up. He just couldn't go another step. He woke up with a cold or something, and he's been hanging out in his jammies all day. So of course, I ran up to his room found the Lego Batman and took it to him. As I looked down the stairs at him, I thought....how much his actions parallel our lives.

We often begin something with great passion. Full force...we dive into something, perhaps even hearing the warnings of others, but thinking... “It'll be different for me..I won't grow weary...I'll finish the race..” Often pride sneaks in, even when our initial intentions are pure.

As I handed sweet Eli the Batman, he asked if I would pray for him...and so I stopped and held him and prayed for him. This sweet object lesson comes on a tough day for my family. Today, my precious Father in Law is in the hospital having his second open heart surgery in under 6 months. My husband is there in the waiting room....and I can not be. I am caring for our sweet boys. It pains my heart not to be able to physically be with my husband as he waits through something of this magnitude. My husband is my gift from God. I love him and appreciate him even more as the years pass.

But what I can do is pray. Just like Eli getting halfway up the stairs and needing help because his strength gave out....every moment my emotions try to get the best of me in this situation...I need only to stand still and let the Lord fight for me (Ex. 14:14). I need only to lay my husband, my father in law, and my mother in law....at the Lord's feet.

So many times...we grow weary. Sometimes the fight has countless battles. Sometimes we will not see earthly victory in the battles....but we know Who wins the war. So we rest in that.

Instead of starting strong and getting halfway through and realizing our need, we ought first to lay down our strengths before the Lord, and ask Him to take them, and our weaknesses and use them both for His glory. We just might see a powerful work of God in our lives...if we were to slow down and pray...fervently asking God to direct each step...to guide....to bless.

I believe that the Lord allowed my sweet Eli to stop there and pause so I could grasp the depths of His love for us...for my husband as he sits in the waiting room..waiting and praying.....for me...as I navigate through homeschooling three sweet and strong willed boys....for my son...as he without strength runs to his mommy...because he trusts me to protect him...just as we...trust God to protect us.

Can you just picture the Lord waiting...reaching forth His mighty hand to guide you? Can you just imagine the love of the Father as He carries us each and every day just because of Who He is!?!

Remember when it seems impossible to go even one more step...it is The Lord who carries each step...and His power is without end and His strength without limit.

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