
rustling in the morning

This morning my husband and I were awakened by some rustling sounds and some doors opening and closing...my husband quick to make sure our family is safe...gets out of bed to check...only to find our sweet four year old up and at 'em. Now...I'm sure initially being Christmas Eve day and all, we may have been quick to think he was doing something he shouldn't ...getting into presents and the like...but...rather my husband found him dressed. He sweetly looked up at Daddy and said, "Look I dressed myself...I'm all ready for Grandma and Grandpa's today..all by myself." So my husband told him to get back in bed for a little longer, that we'd be going this afternoon...he promptly obeyed (which I will add...is not a sure thing when you tell a 4 year old to get back in the bed). At any rate..it just made my heart smile...here you almost expect your kids to be doing something they shouldn't and they delightfully surprise you, in that they've gone into the bathroom gotten the step stool, moved it into their closet to be able to reach their clothes, picked out their own "favorite' outfit and dressed themselves, from spiderman underwear to camo-pants and a snowplow shirt (this outfit of course all the more hilarious because I am a total city chick to the core...and never in a million years would have imagined my children would own camo anything)

As I was thinking over this and how proud Joseph was of himself for dressing himself....and getting ready to go first thing, I thought...oh how i want my heart to be found causing the Lord to delightfully smile at me, His daughter. I want my heart to be so in tune with Him and His word, that as my heart beats it delights God because it beats with the passion for the lost, and for the saved...for the lost to come and call upon Him and be saved and for the saved to grow in the abundant grace and knowledge of Christ. How refreshing my Lord is through my children...He teaches me daily and pursues me even in the "smallest" of things...

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