
from the heavens to the spirit of man

It's been a BUSY morning, and it started early...probably not on the best foot because as is bound to happen with five people in a family one is anxious and up early to get Christmas started while others would still sleep if allowed. Needless to say it's mid afternoon and some are napping, some are at the park while the Lord has graciously given me some alone time to "chew" on His word. I have been following my read through the Bible in a Year plan, I'm in Zechariah & Revelation right now (how I am so blessed with this reading plan!), closing in on the end of the Old & New Testaments. I've so enjoyed the trip through the pages of scripture this year, I feel almost more than last...and I'm expectant about 2009, hoping to continue growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus. So...as I was reading today, I just was stopped warmly in my tracks at this verse:

"The burden of the word of the LORD concerning Israel. Thus declares the LORD, who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him," Zechariah 12:1

Our LORD (Which I was once taught long ago that LORD means the covenant keeping Lord, the God who can not and will not break covenant with His children). who made the heavens which are so vast...so immense...and He created them and then stretches them out, Zechariah goes on to say how the LORD then lays the foundations of the earth. I look at the foundation of buildings around our town and think they are big, and yet here is our LORD laying the foundations of our very earth...an ENTIRE planet....and then lastly...HE forms the very spirit within man. That means He alone forms the spirit within each one of us...I have no idea what the world's population currently is, I do know that there are millions of people just in the state where I live. I can not wrap my mind around the Lord, and yet...here is our LORD, our covenant keeping Father, concerned about the very spirit within each of us. I am completely humbled, totally unworthy and so incredibly thankful....I don't want to ever get "past" Jesus and the day of my salvation....how wondrous and HUGE it is that God looks at me through Jesus and has credited His righteousness to my account, and lovingly pursues me. I'm just amazed today by the sufficiency of God, His marvelous grace...and His unrelenting passion for His creation, and how He in His word even shows us...the heavens and the earth are vast...and created by Him, and they are important to Him, and he in the same sentence mentions the spirit of man, whom His only Son died for...we are so little....and yet so important to Him..

I loved this too in a previous chapter, "And I shall strengthen them in the LORD; and in His name they will walk," declares the LORD Zech. 10:12

An amazing women's' bible teacher once said that there are a lot of things she didn't get about the Lord, and this world...but she just trusted her Jesus, because she knew Him. I just love the certainty He provides us as believers in this, "The secret things belong to the LORD out God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law." Deut. 29:29

Sometimes to me it's overwhelming how the God of all creation and this great world is concerned with "little old me" and yet He promises it in His word, and His love will never fully be understood til we get there, but I just enjoy reveling in His goodness!

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