
where is my heart?

I think right now I could honestly say my heart is somewhere between my knees and my toes. I just heard a Christian say "My religion has nothing to do with my behavior" Really? I mean ..... Really?

I think of Pharaoh and how he was a dork, not letting the Israelites go...was he a dork on his own? No...scripture says, God hardened his heart. Now, we are all sinners...born sinners...needing a savior.... the atoning work of a sinless perfect man, that of Jesus Christ. And while we will all be like Paul "Doing what we do not want to do and not doing what we know we ought to do"(romans 7:14-20) while we are here on earth simply because we are confined by the sinfulness of our own flesh...we are called to "Be holy even as I am holy." Am I going to mess up and say things I shouldn't....absolutely..I'm not there yet, and none of us ever will be until we are home with Him in heaven....but does my "religion" affect my behavior...absolutely without a doubt. Should we "continue in sin so that grace may increase..may it never be!" (Romans 6:1-2) I mean I don't run around my little world acting selfish and crass when I don't get my way. When I think things aren't fair...rather than grumbling and complaining I take the opportunity to self-evaluate.

There is a song out, by Brandon Heath, "give me your eyes" I'm crying out for God to give me His eyes, and His heart...I want to love this woman who so flippantly proclaimed that her Jesus has nothing to do with her behavior. I want to pray for her to sincerely get it that her heart would be so consumed with the Father's love for her, that she would be captivated by His word, and LED by His Spirit. See....oh the beauty of scripture...that God SAVES us...and upon salvation then indwells us. It's HIS Holy Spirit within me that is good. I've always said there is NOTHING good within me except that which is of Him. It's by His grace that I love Him. It's by His grace I hear this woman and my heart sinks to the floor, and I just want to cry. Let's stand up, stand together and call upon Jesus to make His word a reality in the Christian church. I'm to the point where I don't even want to use the "term" Christian, yet...what a privilege that is, in His word, it says "It was there the disciples were first called Christians" This identity is something that my Savior died for. This name I claim isn't flippant...it isn't to be tossed around and claimed when convenient...it is a Name that Saves...CHANGES, TRANSFORMS....this is the Name that called me out of the depths of the grave, reached down to where I was....and rescued my soul. He is that to us all, He saves us to sanctify us, not to just give us an "in" I love Jesus.

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