
would it mean more if I were older...

I guess today I'm feeling a bit like sometimes I share what the Lord teaches me and it falls on deaf ears....my heart's desire has always been to pour my life into the lives of ladies around me claiming the name of Jesus as I do....I feel compelled to do this, not for self glorification but simply because "When I was in GREAT need HE saved me" Psalm 116:6...thus I have no choice but to share of His goodness and His grace. Often though I feel as though society looks at me and dismisses what God has taught me...it's as if I need to either at least be in my forties to be considered worthy of listening too or have grown children. At any rate...I'm neither in my 40's nor do I have grown children...what I do know is that what God is teaching me is an amazing blessing, so intimate...and so life changing that I will continue to share it without shame...and without restriction. It just so happens that my husband and I share this verse in our marriage as our life verse, "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve." Col 3:23-24 So I'm just going to continue in experiencing God in unique and personal ways...but I refuse to keep it to myself...I will pres on towards the upward call of God in Christ Jesus that He has placed on my life....being the older woman who is to teach the younger to love her husband, her children, being reverent in my behavior and teaching younger women to love the Lord with all their hearts, minds and souls...as God has so lovingly taught me over the years. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to mentor a young girl who does love Jesus and just needs someone to love her and meet her where she is and lay aside preconceived ideas and "formulas" for discipleship...and just show her Jesus, through His word, through my actions, my prayers...and whatever resources the Lord provides.

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