
Little by Little

This morning I read through Exodus 29 - 30, which is all about the consecration of the priests and the sacrifices of the people for their sin atonement and the alter of incense. It is a lengthy set of chapters, and I know it's tempting to say, well I've read this before so I don't need to again. But with all my heart I'd encourage you especially as a believer, whatever season you are in, or wherever you are in your daily study of God's word...I would suggest reading these two chapters. This morning as I read through I was just so humbled by what these two chapters described as responsibilities of Aaron and the Israelites. I think what was most amazing was all this was required, and now is not...all because of Jesus. I mean, reading about the sacrifices that the Israelites made about having to separate animals, their organs and entrails, honestly for someone who has a weak stomach with blood is sometimes a lot to take in. But this morning in the quietness of my closet before the Lord, He just kept whispering to me the sweet words of Romans 5:6, "For while we were still helpless, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly." Christ made that atoning sacrifice for my sins. I know as believers especially if you are in a church with solid teaching you will hear this frequently. Sometimes it can become stale...I urge you as sisters, do not allow the sacrifice of Christ to become stale to you. Read the chapters in Exodus, or go down memory lane with yourself noting all the things the Lord has done just for you, or share your testimony with friends, or go out and share it with someone who needs Jesus, that's what we are supposed to be doing anyway.

I heard the most amazing testimony yesterday of a sweet sister in the Lord who was beaten and had to be put into a medically induced coma in order to heal, all because she accepted Christ as Savior. Who beat her almost to death? Her family, who were staunch atheists and satanists. This sweet sister was beaten within an "inch" of her life because she accepted the Lord. I have never been there, I can not say I can relate at all, and many of us in America can not relate to her powerful testimony. I do know that although I was not beaten almost to death by my own family, that the power of God in my life is just as amazing because of the absolute perfection of Christ and His atonement on the cross for the depths of my sin. I know that 14 years ago as I cried out to the Lord, He saved me and sealed me with His Holy Spirit....He has given me a purpose, He has renewed a steadfast spirit within me, and given me a heart for Him. I want to regularly remember what the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary means to me. In His words, to me, it means, "The Lord preserves the simple hearted, when I was in great need He saved me." Psalm 116:6. I was and still am in the greatest need for Christ. I feel the more I get to know Him, the more I learn of Him in His word, God in His infinite grace shows me how much more I need Him. It's the sweet words of the Lord in Exodus to His children as He said, "I will not drive them out before you in a single year, that the land may not become desolate, and the beasts of the field become too numerous for you. I will drive them out before you little by little, until you become fruitful and take possession of the land." Exodus 23:30 God reveals Himself to us in His word little by little, He knows us and He knows how much we can handle at the present time....and He gives it to us just as we can handle it according to our needs. The beauty of God's word is that although we can read it over and over, our finite minds can never exhaust it, and never grasp the fullness of it. Lately as I'm learning more of the Lord, my heart is captivated by how sinful I am and how perfect the Lord Himself is. I'm starting to grasp that God's perfection and holiness is something I will never understand here on earth, and I am so grateful that one day I will be permitted to sit at the feet of the King, only because of His grace.

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