
Be pressed on every side by the love of Christ

For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him, who died for them and rose again. 2 Corinthians 5:14

Does that take your breath away? Oh I hope it does, I hope it makes your heart skip a beat! That as a believer in Christ, it should be nothing more and nothing less than the perfect love of a sinless Savior that utterly controls us! His love, that while we were yet sinners He died for us. Once for all....for the Jew and Praise the Lord, the Gentile too, for that is what I am.

I've been reading through God's word lately, and it's been amazing. I'm seeing the Holiness of God in an incredible new light. At the same time I'm seeing the depths of my depravity as a testimony to the utter perfection of my Savior. Just when I think I'm finally getting "good" the Lord in His unending kindness, peels back another layer of my sinfulness and exposes my intense need for Him. He is doing it through His word and prayer. I'm finding myself lately utterly disgusted by myself, and utterly amazed that the God of all creation would die for me. And as God has been lovingly revealing all this to me, I've been pondering many things. I've certainly been questioning my motives a lot lately. Why do I do things? Am I doing things to solely honor God? Am I picking and choosing what I want to obey because I know that in some things obedience is the hard thing, and I don't think I'm up for the challenge (as if I can obey in my own strength anyway). It's only because of the Lord's irresistible grace that I continue in His word daily and in prayer. And the Lord brought me back to His word in 2 Corinthians, where He says it is the LOVE of Christ that COMPELS us! It is solely the love of God that compels believers. In the original language, compels means to press on every side, to hold together. So it is God's love that presses me on every side, it is His love that holds me together, in seeking Him. Seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness (Mt. 6:33). It is the love of Christ within me that gives me the humility to ask my five year old to forgive me when I've wronged him because of my own selfishness, it's the love of Christ that gives me the grace to apologize to my husband when I've been wrong even though every ounce of sinful pride does not want to apologize. It's the love of Christ that compels me to be a good friend to others even when I feel like I haven't got a "good" friend in the world. It's the love of Christ that allows me to feel all alone so that I stop looking to the world or to other people and turn to the only One who is worthy of all the honor and glory in all the world. It is the love of Christ that awakens me everyday to the vibration of my cell phone and pursues me to seek Him in His word! It is the love of Christ that saved my soul from an eternity of separation from God. It is the love that Christ has for me, for my husband and for my children, that by His grace indwells me because of His Holy Spirit, so that I may name His name, and desire to do what is pleasing in His sight.

Ladies it must be the love of Christ that compels you on every front, first and above all in seeking Him. Then the Lord will add unto that, He will make it clear to you what your passion is and gifts are. Whether it be being an amazing wife and mother, an amazing sister, a compassionate friend. Whatever gifts God has uniquely given you, He has given you for one purpose...to bring His name glory on this earth! Which you will do by using that gift where He has placed you in your life, amongst your family and friends, the cashier at the grocery store or the beautician at the hair salon. God has given you a passion and a gift to use for His glory. Get into His word and learn of His matchless love that you can be held together by it! Then go and live it!

To God be the glory!

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