
Battling for a Pure Heart

I remember in the very beginning of my Christian walk that there were so many verses I encountered dealing with purity, and as a young single college student the idea of purity almost always relates to sexuality. I became so aware that although that is a part of it, God is after our hearts. I have absolutely cried out before God with reckless abandon as David did in Psalm 51:10, "Create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me." And as I've studied His word, I've found the promise of Matthew 5:8 is encouragement for me to continually cry out to God begging Him to purify my heart, Matthew 5:8 says, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." Oh, ladies...I want to see God.

You know today at my church our Pastor talked about how we become as Christians conformed to this world and the way things are, we just accept things as "the way it is" and rather than radically praying with great expectation for the Lord to change our society and our circumstances, we accept things as they are and therefore compromise our beliefs. A fancy theological term for this type of attitude is moral relativism. We seem to be at an impasse in our society, where it is wrong to offend anyone and therefore we are being almost forced to accept things, we are having tolerance shoved down our throats, we must tolerate everything, nothing is wrong anymore it's just different. Divorce is the norm, almost the majority of the norm. Homosexuality is a "civil right" apparently...according to local billboards where I live. I mean, look around at our world, and you can't help but either beg Jesus for revival or beg Jesus to return.

I've just felt so deep in the battle lately dear sisters. I feel like I am on the front lines, and I feel as though I am fighting with everything that is within me to keep my heart pure before the Lord, and to shepherd the hearts of my children (shepherd not shelter) so as to captivate their little minds for the glory of God. I'm sharing this ladies, because...honestly I don't struggle with a pornography addiction, I don't watch crazy television shows all day long, really I just watch childrens' programming with my kids, and that alone presents enough of a struggle to remain pure in the "little" way these shows undermine creation and the existence of our Sovereign God. But what I'm saying is in my own little world in my small neighborhood just doing life as usual, it's a battle daily, to guard my mind in what I read, what I watch, how I manage my time and what I allow into my heart and taking my own thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ. It's a battle to consistently beg the Lord to order my days and wait expectantly knowing that He will, and He will guide me through each day doing what He has created me to do.

I love the precious words in the Psalm, "Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood And has not sworn deceitfully." Psalm 24:3-4 I want to raise my hands before the Lord and have clean hands, and a pure heart. I want my heart to be pure before Him so that it is ready to be used as His vessel at any given moment. The more I learn about the Lord the more I realize, oh the depths of my depravity, the more I cry out as Daniel did in one of my favorite verses on prayer...listen to Daniel ladies..

"O my God, incline Your ear and hear! Open Your eyes and see our desolations and the city which is called by Your name; for we are not presenting our supplications before You on account of any merits of our own, but on account of Your great compassion. O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and take action! For Your own sake, O my God, do not delay, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name." Daniel 9:18-19

Daniel had such an amazing God given perspective of who he was, and who God IS. The Lord's great and perfect mercy that I am so unworthy of, that He freely gives, because He is God and I am not. Praise be to God!!!

Ladies I encourage you, get on your face before the Lord, echo the words of the godly men and women of the Bible who have gone before us. They were deep in the battle, they were on the front lines, and now they rest in the arms of the Almighty. And here in this day, we cry out to God and we have the most amazing privilege of having His written word to be our guide, we can pray His word back to Him and be assured it is His will, His word is His perfect revealed will!! And we also know that the victory is WON, He has finished it for all time.

Cry out to God for a pure heart, for the wisdom to although all things are permissible for you as an adult not all things are beneficial (1 Cor 6:12) choose the things which will benefit you, when choosing what television show to watch, or what newest book series to read...whether it's fiction or nonfiction, think hard on what you are allowing into your mind. When you go to rent movies, ask God to guide your choices. It's not about a list of do's and don'ts but rather about a pursuit of God and a passion to live a holy life and have a pure heart before the Lord.

Pray for me ladies, as I'm in the midst of a battle...it's deep, I have no idea where I am going, but I know as I journey through this I am NOT alone, Jesus is my Guide, and His perfect word is my comfort and my light and my strength! I am praying for my dear sisters in Christ, and more and more...praying for those that do not yet know Jesus, I am begging the Lord to draw the lost to Himself....and to work miracles in the everyday lives of those around me. Would you join me? Would you look around at your circle of friends and cry out to the Lord for them? Would you cry out to the Lord for marriage? Would you cry out to the Lord and ask Him to radically transform you for His greater glory?

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