
Entrusted to the gospel!!

It's no secret really, I love the Pauline epistles. In fact the Lord has used them in my life so much I often run to them for comfort, strength, and encouragement.

"On the contrary, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been entrusted with the gospel to the circumcised.". Gal. 2:7

The Greek "entrusted to" is "used in the NT of the conviction and trust to which a man is impelled by a certain inner and higher prerogative and law of soul." I just love this....a higher prerogative...yup. We have a purpose that is eternal!!

Lately I've been wrestling through a lot of issues. Nothing major, but just things, that if left untended, could crop up into major things. I feel so much more purposeful in my parenting lately. In my call to school my children at home. This word from Galatians just reverberates within my soul. Why do I do what I do? Why do I stay at home, and teach my kids. Why not ship them off to public school and enjoy some "me time?" Because I have been called by the Lord to homeschool my kids. Me personally. Not everyone, me personally. I've been entrusted with the gospel to them. They are my sweet little mission field.

I struggle at times. With just how to disciple my kids..I never had that relationship with my parents, but I do have the loving and perfect example of Christ. I am blessed beyond measure by the power of God's word and the way He uses it to transform me.

I have also the abundant grace of God that covers me. I love the word! Oh how I praise God for it! It truly revives the soul and refreshes the spirit! I just blow it over and over again with my kids, my spouse, friends. I love how the Lord convicts me instantaneously. Seriously, this is a gift. It is a humbling and refining thing, to parent for Jesus. Not one of us is perfect. No..not one. So I would encourage you dear friend, show some grace to those around you as they parent, especially if they confide in you when they are struggling. Come along side them, love them, pray for them...encourage their souls. Trust me, if anyone struggles like I do, they need the encouragement.

I am thankful that in this tough season of parenting I can rest in His truth! His truth tells me:

"Behold children are a gift and a reward." Psalm 127:3

"Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

And this I love, because all too often we think being a mom is about us, and it's not (at least, from the 7 years I've been a mother, I've learned it is not about me the way I thought it would be):

"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve." Col. 3:23-24

Over and over and over again, the Lord uses my children to teach me of His grace and glory. He lovingly whispers correction as I need it and correct my own. He shows me patiently His love and mercy, as I fall short of being the parent He is. I've learned, being a mom, is not about a worldly position or title, but about being entrusted by God, impelled within my inner man to raise those entrusted to me for His glory. These three boys, little bundles of unending energy to see Jesus in all of life. To love Him passionately and pursue Him purposefully.

God is good dear sister, and if you are a mother, you are called to be transformed through that role He has given you. He will not fail you, "faithful is He who calls you, He will also bring it to pass." 1 Thes. 5:24 You have been entrusted with the gospel to the children He has given you. You are on mission...in your very own home!!

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