
Making Tracks to Great Destinations!

Over the last 16 months, the Lord has been teaching my husband and I a whole new meaning to hard work. I think most of our closest friends would not say we are lazy..by the grace of God. It is so refreshing to my soul, that the Lord in His omniscience, gave the following verse to my husband and I as our life verse when we first got married:

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Col. 3:23-24

Along with Colossians 3:23, my sweet husband and I have been encouraging one another with "anything worth having is worth working hard for." This applies to everything. Marriage. Parenting. Work. Homeschooling. Friendship. Family.

Every time I think hard work, I think Galatians 6:9, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

I know some people think, well what could possibly be so hard about your "job" you stay at home. Well....I have to admit I used to wonder what stay at home moms did all day. Yes....I did. That was before the Lord made me one. Now I know the question is not, "what do stay at home moms do all day?" but rather it is, "What don't stay at home moms do?" I joke often when my good friend, "I've got stay at home mom induced ADD." I am so used to running from start to finish always doing more than two or three things at once, I can't focus on just one!

So, this weekend, our sweet three year old, who by the way is not just interested in Thomas, but thinks he is Thomas....said, "Hey Mommy, Daddy is making tracks to great destinations." I just smiled. Really, I treasured that in my heart. I just kept meditating on that.

Because if Daddy is making tracks, who is following them? These boys! So where are his tracks leading these boys? Let's be honest...in the words of a three year old...the "greatest destination" is a relationship with Jesus Christ. That does not mean a perfect life...but rather a surrendered one. A hopeful one, a trusting one. A hard working one. I'm not talking about the work that we all can fall into thinking will somehow earn us favor with God...but rather working hard in the roles God has ordained in our lives. For my husband, that is husband, leader, provider, father, friend and son. For me, wife, mother, friend, aunt, sister and daughter.

We have roles that God has given us, He leads us each day. He does it by relationship. You know, the more you are in His word, the clearer your purpose becomes. The deeper your relationship grows with Him. Your heart is transformed by His word...remember dear friend, "He sent out his word and healed them,and delivered them from their destruction" Psalm 107:20

One day, I want to reap a harvest of three boys trusting in Christ for salvation. I'm not expecting or even asking for perfect children. Just begging God to save their souls for His glory. To empower them to one day, understand His grace...and seek after Him with their whole hearts!!!

I'm asking God daily for the grace to make tracks before our children that lead straight to Him. Be it when I fail miserably and sin against God, that through the humility of repentance or when God graciously leads me in victory over sin..whatever circumstance it is, the God get the glory...that these boys see what a life trusting in Jesus looks like!!!

Let me encourage you dear one, if you are in relationship with the Lord, nurture it!! Get in His word, be on your face in prayer!! If you are not in relationship with Jesus..well let today be "the day of salvation"....oh friend, thank you for reading this blog....and please consider asking Christ to be your Savior!! We all need Him, and He welcomes us freely with open arms....constantly. Not just in saving us, but daily in relationship...because it was He who created us for His glory!!!

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