
I want a soft face

As I was reading through Jeremiah this morning, the word of God was so fresh! So new. Which I have to say, I LOVE that when that happens!! I only got through the first five chapters and I had to stop...not because of time...but honestly because I felt like my head would explode! I knew it was so rich I couldn't take much more! I had to stop and focus and just meditate on the scripture.

I came to this in Jeremiah 5:3, and I just was in awe.

"O LORD, do not your eyes look for truth? You have struck them down, but they felt no anguish; you have consumed them, but they refused to take correction. They have made their faces harder than rock; they have refused to repent."

I kept thinking about our society, we live in a society that idolizes a youthful appearance. Including our skin, women (and some men) are under pressure to botox those wrinkles, spend lots of money on fancy creams..all in an effort to maintain that youthful 'hard' appearance.

In this scripture God is not literally saying the people of Jerusalem had hard faces, but He was speaking of their hearts, which honestly...I believe shows in our countenance. Many times you can take notice of a friends' face and tell when its' been a hard day for her. Same goes for an unrepentant heart. It tends to show in the hardness of our faces.

I want a soft face, give me those wrinkles...it's okay. I want to have a heart that is tuned into the Holy Spirit and following God's kindness in repenting for what I need to repent of. I want my posture towards God to be "soft" I want to be open to hear what He is speaking to me....even when it is hard. Often it is. Love the unloving...pray for the lost...witness to them...tell people about Jesus. I've been running errands around town lately and praying as I go, Lord..is there someone I need to show your love to? Sweet friends...trust me...there IS! All over town there are people who just need to see the love of Jesus!

I've seen over and over in my life the kindness of the Lord in leading me to repentance. I pray that the Lord would overwhelm me with His kindness...as in Romans 2:4, "Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?" that in the areas I need to repent...I would follow Him in that. I pray this constantly for my children as well. I want them in the depths of their hearts to see the kindness of the Lord in repenting and apologizing for their wrongs. I want them to connect the sin in their life to the reality of Scripture in our lives. I want them to actively pursue a lifestyle of repentance which is so often complimented by an attitude of gratitude. How I pray that the worldly misconception that apologizing makes you less of a person would not impact my children and they would realize that humbling themselves and offering an apology when appropriate does honor God.

So, I'll take a soft face any day. It might look a little tired or wrinkled...but I pray it radiates God's love and Spirit to those around, for His glory!!

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