
Just the meat....really?

I got to take my sweet five year old on a date tonight. Grocery shopping! He is such a great helper and I just adore having special Mommy time with each of my boys. On the way home, he asked for a hamburger. He is in a McDonald's hamburger phase. Pains me to think about it really, can't stand them myself...but sometimes...you just gotta feed them what they'll eat.

I handed him his burger, and proceeded to drive home. About five minutes into his hamburger, he says to me, "Mommy..you know why I only eat the meat and not the bread? Because God says, 'Man doesn't live on bread alone, but by obeying His word.' So, I just don't need the bread...just the meat...that's all...and to obey God."

I was . . . . speechless.

Did I mention he is FIVE?

One sweet autumn day last year while we were driving he asked me to pull over and explain what salvation was, and after reading through Romans 10 together, he asked if he could pray for Jesus to save him, because he believed everything the Bible said. He was four then. Jesus has no age limit on accepting His salvation, though at times our 'church culture' makes us question if they really know what they are doing then. Maybe they don't fully...but God does, always. At four...or at eighty four. He knows.

Sometimes, I wonder...I teach my children day in and day out. I am hanging on for dear life with them some days. I mean, I am correcting them with the word of God, teaching them His word, praying for them and over them...and yet they still disobey. Then....in His mercy the Lord gives me glimpses of His work in their hearts. Just like tonight. I'm trusting God with everything I've got that He will accomplish His purpose in the lives of these boys, afterall....before they are mine...they are His.

Sweet sweet Braden, just wanting the meat. Oh do I know how he feels. I just want the meat....just the word. That's it. Just give me the word. So many mornings as I wonder downstairs to be in the word before the rest of my family awakens...I am literally on my face begging God for a fresh revelation from His word.

I can't live without it. I love the way His word is so fresh. So applicable, so satisfying.

As I drove home, I kept thinking, man....I just want the meat...but so often I need to bread too. I need to be eased into things sometimes with the Lord. Or sometimes I can read the same scripture numerous times and have it apply in so many different ways. Fresh eyes, a willing heart...a HUNGRY soul. That's what I need. Really, I think that's what we all need.

So, I did respond to him, probably not the most awe-inspiring answer, but I explained that he was right....we do live on the word of God, but we can eat bread..all in moderation. To which he responded, "well yeah, little kids can eat more bread than adults because adults get bigger than kids if they eat too much."

I am blessed beyond measure by my boys!

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