
Yes, Son....Bread too!!

I am blessed with a super best friend.  She encourages me to seek Jesus.  Honestly, we've got the type of friendship that, I don't even have to talk to her to be encouraged by her to seek the Lord.  She lives it.  So I know daily she is seeking Him and sometimes that's all the encouragement I need.

So how fitting was it, that after my evening with Braden and talking about how the Lord does want us to eat bread, He wasn't just saying eat all meat and obey Him.  (Although I was so blessed by his sweet little heart, taking God at His word, literally!!)...I found this (which my sweet friend probably used with her children and passed along to me):

It is a poster, that reads, "I am the Bread of Life, he who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in Me shall never thirst."  John 6:35   It now hangs above our school table!   It was a wonderful conversation starter with my sweet five year old about the Lord and His goodness towards us.

I love that although my sweet little five year old may not have the best handwriting, or my seven year old doesn't spell every word right when he writes stories (...just yet..). I am privileged to stay at home and school my children.  Which for us starts in His word.  Then in all the "important" stuff.  I can honestly say...if after yesterday, I am still praising God for the call to homeschool.....I know it's from Him.   There are challenging days (yesterday was my 'public school' day...the day it's so hard to get our work done here, public school seems to be the best option), there are amazing days, there are blah days....then there are the moments that the Lord just whispers to my heart in the midst of the madness and reminds me of the PURPOSE in homeschool...for our family.  While I may not homeschool all the way through....I do believe that the Lord is using me in the lives of my children.  I love this verse:

"Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix  their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who  richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.  Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good  works,  to  be generous and ready to share,  storing  up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed." 1 Timothoy 6:17-19

I want to enjoy the good gifts of my children, and more importantly I want to give them the foundation of Christ.  That's the treasure, teaching them how Christ is relevant in all of life.....showing them that He is the foundation of all things. This is life, Christ!

I also want to be a diligent teacher, showing my children that as God calls you to do something, you should do it with diligence and persistence...until He leads you elsewhere.  This morning as I was reading through Jeremiah I was so convicted by this, "Cursed is he who does the work of the LORD with slackness..."  Jeremiah 48:10.  If I feel that homeschooling our children is a call that God has given me, then it is His work that He has given me to do.  So...I've got to step it up....keeping  a watchful eye and a very prayerful heart that I would not approach homeschool with slackness.   Really, that I would not approach being a wife and mother with slackness.  That's my 'job' right now.  Impacting my family for His glory! Anyone who does it knows, it is a tough call, and yet in the eyes of our culture...not a very "valuable" call.

So, I'm off to "change the world" this morning, one little heart at a time....armed with the word of the Lord!!

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