
...standing in the council of God and proclaiming His word...

Currently as I am reading through Jeremiah this month I am being so blessed by the Lord. Morning after morning He is using His word to refresh my soul. Honestly, my soul had been weary at a few points over the last few months. I can testify to the Lord's grace and goodness...His refining work is never done. He is constantly after my heart. How I praise Him for that!!

This morning, I was reading chapter 23, and this verse kept penetrating my heart for numerous reasons.

"But if they had stood in my council, then they would have proclaimed my words to my people, and they would have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their deeds." Jeremiah 23:22

The overall theme of why this verse kept penetrating my heart is that lately I am experiencing the Lord challenging my every 'thought' of church. What it is and what that means to our family as followers of Christ. I think it's very easy to just plow through the Christian life...so hungry for God's word you just want to be fed all the time. Very, very easy. Especially...dare I say...in America.

Feed me, feed me, feed me. All the time. That tends to be the cultural mindset, and yet the biblical mindset is different. Jesus said, "Come follow ME, and I will make you fishers of men." (Mt. 4:19, Mk. 1:17)

Now please do not misunderstand what I am saying, I believe wholeheartedly we are to disciple and be discipled. After all, Jesus also said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.." Matthew 28:19. So we desperately need discipleship in churches to grow mature believers, but we unapologetically need to be "fishing." Going to the lost and sharing Jesus with them. I'm not saying we are cramming God's word down the throats of unbelievers, what I think is that we just need to follow the example of loving others like Jesus did. Ministering to them the way He did.

The Lord has been doing a work in both me and my husband for some time...about why we go to church. Is it really for the Lord? Is it truly in obedience to His command not to forsake the assembling together. Or are we going looking for satisfaction in something, and not someone..JESUS!

So...this Sunday, we visited a local church, I'll be honest. I was so uncomfortable. It was totally different than anything I had ever been to. The whole time my critical spirit is thinking, 'oh my what have we done?'

So what do you think happened next? Well, we worshiped, and then...out comes the Pastor. Let me tell you dear sister...he broke out the word and preached it. . . truthfully. It wasn't heresy, it wasn't unbiblical...and we were glad we stayed. Because as bad as it sounds to admit...I think we both entertained the thought of walking out.

After I had contemplated leaving, I was confronted with this man, who had very obviously "stood in the council of the Lord" Obviously. See, no one can proclaim God's word....His truth, without first having sat at the feet of Jesus. We are all students. He is the Teacher. How I LOVE this verse, John 13:13, "You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am." He is our teacher. Not just mine, I am not the only one the Lord teaches. He teaches HIS children. Each one of us. This particular morning, He had given this Pastor a strong biblical message.

While my husband and I agreed that this was probably not where the Lord was leading us, we were both incredibly challenged by the Word. We were confronted with an opportunity to be changed by the Spirit of God. No one can change themselves....sure we can all alter behavior...but true heart change...that is a miracle...a gift from God..His abundant grace pouring His perfect love into our imperfect hearts to accomplish what is impossible with men, but not with God.

I urge you, friend, stand in the council...the word of God. Draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. He promises that, not I. But stay steadfast in His word...that way as you journey through life...you can compare your experiences to His word, and know where you need Him to change you....and for what and/or whom you need to be praying. God is FAITHFUL!!! He will fill you with His word to proclaim to those in your life...as needed.

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