
Forsake the Craziness

I was reading in Galatians this morning, and it seems lately every time I read Chapter 3, I get stuck on the same verse.  Which is obviously the Lord speaking to my heart. He is so gracious though, because each time, it's not "in your face...." It's simply the burden of trusting in Him that as He tugs at my heart with His word He wants to change me for His glory.

"Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?"  Galatians 3:3 (ESV) 

                                 or in the Message Translation:

"Are you going to continue this craziness? For only crazy people would think they could complete by their own efforts what was begun by God. If you weren't smart enough or strong enough to begin it, how do you suppose you could perfect it?"  Gal. 3:3

 Often in circles of believers we can hear trivial things being debated such as, "are you reformed...are you Calvinist?" and so on.   Honestly, it burdens my heart. I'm neither.  I simply believe God's word.

That's it. I'm not trying to rewrite the Scriptures to fit into terminology that makes me look smarter than I am.  I'm not jumping on one side of the fence or the other.   I don't need to use "big words" to make me feel confident in my faith.  I'm just going to stand on the Word, and trust Him for the outcome.  I'm going to give grace to others, because I know that I could never give as graciously as my Savior did when He gave His life a ransom for mine.

Let me say, I am thankful for those who are very intellectual believers and communicate effectively and for God's glory to the super intelligent.  I do believe as Paul said, we need to be all things to all people that we may win some. 

From the beginning of time there has been a trend to rename or relabel things to try make them more appealing.  But when it comes to the simplicity, beauty and perfection of the gospel our our Lord.  Simply put...there is NO need.  God's word it just that.  HIS word.  Think on that for a moment.  This word came directly from God.  He wanted us to have it and He tells us to hide it in our hearts.  For our own good.   He doesn't need us to have His word in our hearts.  We need it!  "Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth!" John 17:17

It's almost too easy for us modern believers to forget that the word wasn't always available at fingertips.  It wasn't mass produced, it wasn't bound in copy after copy or translated into several different versions in one language....it wasn't electronically available in a quick Google search.  I think we even forget that the Lord chose a period of silence between the Old and New Testament.  God's silence is tough.  Imagine 400 years of it.

We are beyond blessed with the availability of the word...and yet we take it for granted.  I think on the message translation of this verse, and I love the beginning, "are you going to continue in this craziness?"

I love it.  Honestly, why do we chase the craziness?  Why do we in the flesh try to obtain what we first received from the Spirit?  Why do we think, "Oh......I got this.."  or "I can take care of this sin."  Are you crazy?  Am I?  No we can't.  Nothing in us can "take care" of any sin.

Nothing in us can effectively communicate the gospel of Christ, except by the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:3). 

Stop the craziness!  Go to His word expectantly.  Expect that His word will be a mirror to your heart.  He will show you what is in your heart, the depths of it.  Be prepared for a myriad of emotions.  Surprise. Disgust.  Gratitude.  Humility.  Thankfulness.   "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick, who can understand it?"  Jeremiah 17:9.  He will show us through His word what should be in our hearts.  He will transform us, bless us and sanctify us with His word.  Remember dear one, His word is living and ACTIVE.  (Heb 4:12)  His word has the power to change lives.

Embrace God's word and His power in your life. 

We aren't strong enough on our own, we aren't smart enough on our own.  That's the beauty of it all.  God is all things for us!

So go ahead, forsake the craziness...it's worth it!

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