
The blessings of Parenting

I was reading this morning through 1 Timothy, and this verse just overwhelmed with God's provision and mercy!!!  1 Timothy 2:15 "Yet she will be saved through childbearing--if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control."

The concordance I use shows "being saved through childbearing: to have to following possible uses:
1) to save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction...(from injury or peril)
1) to save a suffering one (from perishing), i.e. one suffering from disease, to make well, heal, restore to health
1) to preserve one who is in danger of destruction, to save or rescue

I think it is very cool that the Lord speaks to mothers so frequently in parenting.  I can't number the times I've heard the soft loving whisper of the Lord as I've corrected my children.

Countless times as I've asked "why don't you just obey?".... "how many times do I have to tell you?".... "we have that rule for your own good and protection"

I am almost instantaneously reminded by God, He feels the same way toward my heart....but PERFECTLY.  Never out of selfish ambition, sinful pride, or any other human characteristic that negatively impacts my parenting.

God corrects and restores me.  I know the Lord doesn't mean that childbirth will actually save women. Only Christ can save lives!!! I do believe thy this verse is a tremendous portrait of God's mercy and grace towards  women as they parent.  I also believe He uses parenting in such a strong way to draw us to Himself as followers of Christ.  I remember reading the story of Mary after I had my first son, the feelings of sympathy were so much greater, having gone through pregnancy and childbirth.

I think that In my life I have seen the Lord use my children in the preserving way.  The definition says: "to preserve one who is in danger of destruction, to save or rescue"

I am in danger not from losing my salvation, but rather from being distracted and not living for Christ by falling into sinful worry, apathy, selfishness, or really any other sin.  Yet the Lord  has graciously given me these three boys and it constantly keeps my heart so tightly focused on Him.  I can't parent, teach, correct or serve these boys apart from Christ. The task is too great!  I have three unique lives with unique needs before me each day.  His grace keeps me focused and His abundant mercy triumphs over all my sins!

God is so good!  The longer I am a mother, I feel like the Lord brings to life in new ways the depths of Psalm 127:3, "behold children are a gift from God...". Sometimes we think the child itself is the gift, but I am learning more and more, God can and will use anything or anyone to reach the hearts of His children.  He certainly didn't give me my boys because I deserve it or am the perfect parent, but rather because of each one's unique being....He teaches me of his love and grace.  My prayer in my parenting is that I can lovingly bless the boys with what His word says and what He teaches me so my boys are impacted for eternity...for God's glory!

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