
My rest isn't quiet....and I'm thankful!

 Today I had the privilege of working for my husband.  His job is very stressful.   By 3:00 I was so overwhelmed with gratitude for all he shoulders with no complaint.

He always asks how my day was.  Every day without fail.  He is so thoughtful and concerned for me.  I give him a breakdown on our day, school. The challenges of the kids and whatnot.  I then ask him about his day.  He always says, "busy but good."

I honestly believe had no real appreciation for his stress level until today.   He doesn't complain when he gets disrespected, he doesn't recount every instance to me.  Instead, he bears it and keeps on going.

He told me early in our marriage how strongly he felt about providing for us and how he supported me in raising our children, and thereby not earning any income to help our family.

Today i was just so lovingly reminded by God that i am so busy with "me" i'm not nearly as appreciative as i should be for him.  

I want to encourage all the married folks out there,  no matter what your situation...try to look at your life and your marriage through the eyes of your spouse.   It might just hang your perspective on things!

I think we would all be blessed to remember that a husband is a blessing (and a wife too!)

God is good!  I think before I start to grumble in my heart that I have a "tougher job than he does...". I'll remember this day.

I am ever so grateful for the rest God has given me with my spouse.   Ruth 1:9  says, "The LORD grant that you may find rest, each of you in the house of her husband!"

Rest means quietness and/or resting place.  What's so funny about this right now for me, there isn't a lot of quiet....and I sure don't sit around idle with three young boys and a sweet husband to care for.  BUT, I am loved, cared for and protected by a man I know loves Jesus and who would willingly lay down his life for me.  Who provides without complaint no matter the stress on his shoulders, who bears my burdens and stresses with love and who genuinely loves our children!!

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