
Blessings in the Silence

I went to the gym this morning, and I was honestly in a foul mood.  It's been a crazy few days with school and the kids and I just was ready for the week to be done...like on Tuesday.   Anyway, I got there I think it was the busiest I've ever seen (which could have had something to do with public school being out...who knew?)  So when I walked over to the first treadmill...which by the way was the only open one and it didn't work..I was annoyed.  So I went downstairs and just stood and waited.  I wish I could say I looked around and thought how wonderful it was to have to wait for a treadmill because that meant that there were a tremendous amount of people caring about their health...but instead, I stood there just frustrated and waiting.  By the time one opened up I wasn't annoyed...I had gotten over it...and then after I set everything up....got started on my workout...I skimmed through the channels, and all of a sudden....I found it....The Price is Right!!!!  It was on TV right there on the treadmill.

So I realized I was in the midst of a childhood dream being fulfilled....a dream I never even knew I had.  I mean growing up I never would have imagined the technology to have a television on the treadmill.  I really enjoy The Price is Right, and to be able to watch it while I workout, something I also really enjoy!!  I felt so overwhelmed by the Lord's goodness.  Especially because in my little mind I was being such a brat.  I did not deserve to watch one of my favorite shows while doing one of my favorite things...but the Lord knew...it was a special little blessing I was incredibly overwhelmed by. 

On top of all this, as if this wasn't enough.  I went a little early today because we had finished our school early...and the older boys were able to participate in gym time.  I didn't even know they had that.  They got to go in the gym with other kids their ages, run around..play games, run relay races.  Seriously!?!?!  Praise the Lord!!! I finished my workout and saw how much fun they were having so I walked an extra 35 minutes just to let them keep playing.  What a tremendous blessing this all was!!!

What was so beautiful about this, a few weeks ago at church our Pastor was teaching out of Exodus 14, and this verse stuck in my mind, "The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."  Ex. 14:14.  Honestly I was so frustrated that I got there and couldn't start my workout...it is not easy getting three energetic boys ready, focused, cooperating and into respective classes.   Finding a treadmill wasn't a "fight" that's not what I'm saying, but...I know without the indwelling Holy Spirit I probably would've been vocal about having to wait...rather I stood quietly thinking over things, checking email, and by the end of it all....I really only had to wait like 10 minutes...which is not long at all.  By the grace of God, I just stood there quietly...waiting on Him...because it could have been an hour...I don't even know if there are time limits on use of cardio equipment.

I struggle with this a lot, when to say something, when to just let  it go.  I'm learning the older I get, and as the Lord graciously and generously grants me wisdom, I "have only to be silent" and trust in Him.

Here I was....abundantly blessed beyond anything I could ever even imagine this morning, and had I continued to stew in my selfishness I may have missed it.  I am so thankful for my God who is greater than all my sin....

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