
....get up...engage and get moving....

So, I love to exercise.  Well, I like it..I love how I feel after the soreness goes away.  I've been a fairly active person throughout my life, I actually played basketball throughout my youth.  You would think then, that my body "knows" how to do exercises...but alas...even this morning as I was doing one particular ab exercise, I had to "tell" my abs to wake up engage and get moving!  It's funny...I realize that might actually sound ridiculous to you.  I tell my muscles to get going.  But for whatever reason post c-sections, I've had to engage my mind in getting my abdominal muscles to work.

This morning as I was telling my abs...'wake up and do this!'  the Lord spoke softly to my heart....that's what I've been telling you for years.  Get up, engage and get moving!!!  Thank you Lord for your kindness...you soft whispers...Your loud shouts...Your willingness to actively pursue a sinner like me!!

It seems funny to me that over certain seasons of our lives we will deal with particular sins....we will run to God and His word and experience tremendous victory over sin as we actively pursue Him...remember, 1 Cor 10:3-4 ...the battle we fight is not of this world but in the spiritual realm and the strength we have is divinely powerful!!!

I remember as I first committed to living for Christ and then told my family, I heard all sorts of comments but one stuck with my so vividly, I can hear it as if it were yesterday.."Oh...it's just a phase you'll grow out of it."

Ouch!  As I look back, not only do I know through the word of God that that statement was foolish, but I can clearly see the judgement...  Yes, from an unbeliever.  It's painful...and especially when it comes from a loved one.  You can be so thrilled about Jesus and that excitement can (momentarily) be quenched when a dear loved one pronounces judgement on you so harsh as that.  Belittling the very life that has renewed and redeemed you.  It's a tough pill to swallow.

...as I see the Lord working actively in my life..that was only the beginning.  That was the beginning of the Lord dealing with my heart about a judgmental spirit in me.  Sometimes...I honestly believe that the Lord allows us to actually experience the very same sin we struggle with in order to develop a godly compassion for those who struggle with it, and to develop a pure heart that cries out to God for deliverance for others from the very sins we were in bondage to.

Trust me, it's never fun being on the receiving end of someone's sinful actions.  That goes for any sin...not just anger or gossip....being judged...receiving unkind words..being lied to....and the list rolls on doesn't it?

God is faithful, clearly..God works miracles...I am a sinner redeemed! 

I've been studying through James in my quiet time, and this in the "God's Word Translation" says it best...

"All of us make a lot of mistakes. If someone doesn’t make any mistakes when he speaks, he would be perfect. He would be able to control everything he does."  James 3:2

The growth I believe comes as you can clearly discern sin in others...and out of a pure heart pray for them.  Exercising self control and not speaking judgement on others often blesses hearts and saves relationships...more often than we could ever imagine.

What does it look like to with a pure heart pray for the sins of others?  Well, personally...I believe it comes when you have a heart that is truly at peace with God and you forgive the hurt their sin has caused you and you desire for them to be free from that sin so they can experience Christ in a fresh way...OVER the desire for self vindication or self justification.

Tough. Pill. To. Swallow.

Truly desiring a brother or sister in Christ to be free from sin instead of "getting even"

I encourage you dear sister, look to your Creator and embrace His truth...

"But the Lord told Samuel, “Don’t look at his appearance or how tall he is, because I have rejected him. God does not see as humans see. Humans look at outward appearances, but the Lord looks into the heart.”   1 Samuel 16:7

Why this verse?  For me this is a resting place.  A truth that I hold very dear to my heart.  I've been the one looking at the outward of others, I been (and still am and will be) judged by my outward...but my confidence, my trust and my identity are rooted solely in Christ.  Not man.  What the Lord thinks of me is what is true.  Who the Lord tells me I am is really who I am...not what others think, judge or perceive.

Sometimes, I have to tell my mind...wake up...engage and get MOVING.  Just do what God has called you to do..don't 'sit a spell' in the judgment of others.  Don't wallow in that pit.  Step out, look up and trust with unwavering confidence...the Lord, He is my God.  He is my Rock and He is faithful!

This is our mission ladies:  "For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ."   Galatians 1:10

While we are trying our best to live at peace with all men (and women) as God calls us to, we are ever aware that our purpose is to live a life pleasing to God.  Remember it is the Lord Christ we serve!!!

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