
Finding joy while waiting on God

Isn't it easy to get caught up in "I" and "me" and "my"  Often times, we think just because we've been called to something and it isn't happening right now...then maybe we are failing...or maybe we misunderstood the Lord.  While seeking God in prayer and asking for clear direction are always good ideas, over the years I've learned, sometimes it's wise to just wait.

UGH!  Isn't that FOUR letter word in our current culture?  Wait.  For what?  I mean why can't we just have what we want now?

I keep thinking about God's calling on my life....I feel strongly within my soul that the Lord has called me to teach and encourage women in the body of Christ with His word.  I felt that calling at age 19, when the Lord spoke to me in the quietness of a solitary retreat...just Him and I for a few days!  It was great!  But, over the years...I haven't yet seen that come to fruition, (and let's just say I'm a lot older than 19).....at least to the magnitude I would have thought...

Currently the Lord, has graciously settled me into a family (Psalm 68:6) ....you see I have a tendency to be somewhat of a loner.  I like quiet time and I enjoy just sitting and reading God's word or running or cleaning.  Funny how the Lord created us for community and I enjoy solitude so much.  Which means it is absolutely not natural for me to just want to hang out with people.  Over the years the Lord has done a tremendous work in my heart, having alone time is important to be still before God, but should never become an idol.    I love how over the years the Lord has blessed me with friends and family who love Him and will speak truth into my life.  Even though relationships are a tremendous amount of work, especially if they are going to be biblical in purpose and spur one another onward in Christian growth....as Proverbs 18:1 says, "Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire he breaks out against all sound judgement"  It is not wise to walk 'alone' all the time.  Again, the Lord has graciously created us for community..and then met that need that He created by giving us the family of God.

And over and over again, I have a battle I face.  In the eyes of our world I am a "stay at home mom."  I have no other title and the general idea of all I actually do is minimized because at the end of the day...my paycheck (if I got one) would say, "$0.00"  I don't earn anything that pays the bills, I don't shoulder the financially responsibilities with my husband...I stay at home. I just raise kids, I mean after all...it's an easy task...they are just kids.  It can't be that hard, there's no pressure...they only grow up to be the future doctors who treat our medical problems, future mayors who run our cities, future presidents who lead our country.  Or maybe even, future pastors leading the lost to our Savior...or missionaries who go to the outermost and shed the gospel of light to a dark world.   As much as I could say our family has chosen to go without over the years, it would be remiss to not give glory to God in that we have ALWAYS been provided for.  God has guided our steps to be more frugal, to clip coupons...to not have our kids in countless activities...and even to go so far as to homeschool our kids.  Simply put...because God has called us to this..and, "Faithful is He who calls you, He will also bring it pass."  1 Thes. 5:24

You see, when I was 19 and heard the voice of God calling me, little did I know that that calling and passion for women in the body of Christ, might come to fruition way down the road.  This "interuption" of raising my children is now my priority.  And, my Father, who is in Heaven was not the least surprised that I am ow raising children rather then teaching women in the body His word for this season of my life.

This call isn't just for me.  If you are a mother...you are called to teach your children!  I am NOT suggesting everyone homeschool.  No way.  Let me tell you to the praise of our God...the ONLY way a parent should homeschool is if they are certain God has called them to do so.  Homeschooling is very, VERY challenging.  There are days I would just love to march my children down to our public school and drop them off.  But..

I can't.

Why?  Not because the school is horrible, not because they wouldn't learn.  None of that.  Simply put...

I homeschool because God has called me to do it.  He has spoken a word to my heart that until He says "stop" I am to homeschool our children.  He has made His will clear in this area of our lives.  Period.  So, I know exactly what He has called me to, I have to do it.  Any other action would be deliberate disobedience.  I teach my kids not to deliberately disobey...and I am no different than they are in God's eyes.

What I am saying is as a mother, particularly a believing mother, you are called to teach your children the ways of God.  His word and His truth are to be taught by you...to your children!  That is your calling as a Christian mother!

Do I feel as though I have failed because I am not a famous author or an accomplished speaker (yet)...well...honestly I used to...but God has mercifully been dealing with my heart and has reaffirmed what I've known for years, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."  Eccl. 3:1.

Would I LOVE to teach other ladies what the Lord speaks to me in my heart during my private study time? Oh...absolutely...sometimes I am so thrilled with God...so humbled...so amazed at  His word and what He reveals to me that my heart is almost bursting out of my chest.  But, right now..I've gotta WAIT.  So...does that mean that God has not still called me to that?  Well, I'm not making a definitive statement on that.  Why?  Well, because God is God and I am not.  His call and my timetable don't always line up...and boy am I grateful they don't.

This morning, as I desprately needed some encouragment on the priority of mothering..I found this, so timely and such a blessing..I am sharing the link to this, and pray you will hop over to her blog and read it, it has blessed my soul!

I am thrilled to have found this sweet sister in Christ, and look forward to being  blessed by God's word through her.

I'd encourage you to ask yourself some questions:

Am I embracing the call to be a joyful mother? (Psalm 113:9)

Can I rest in God's time?  Just because I feel His call, doesn't mean it's going to happen right now.  Deep within my heart am I truly trusting God to bring it to pass? (1 Thes 5:24)

Am I at peace with laying my life down to fulfill the call of being the mother God has called me to be?

As Christine puts it, "Will I sacrifice?"

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