
Quitting just isn't an option

A few days ago I read a wonderful devotion, that had been in my inbox for several days before I actually got a chance to read.   Honestly it was so great because it was exactly what I needed on the day I finally read it.

Homeschooling is fun.....hard!   I seriously can't even count anymore on my hands how many times I've heard "I just don't know how you do it!"   Honestly...I really don't know any formula for successful homeschooling, I don't follow a particular model.  I just wake up everyday and follow my lesson plan for that day. 

I wish I could say I deal seamlessly with interruptions, and I am teacher of the year in the eyes of my children.  But neither of those statements would be true.  In fact....as "hard" as year one of homeschool was with a 1st grader, a K4 an a newborn....that was easy in comparison to the present.

I'll be honest it seems as though each year has new challenges an each year has it's own struggles.  Somethings get insanely more difficult...while other things become a dependable routine...and are easy. 

I've been thinking a lot lately how the Lord brings us to something, sometimes He moves us where we aren't even sure we want to be.  Sometimes He calls us to a season that if we were in charge...would not last nearly as long as He has for us.   I've had a few moments in life where the grass seemed much greener on the other side.

I remember surrendering to the call to homeschool.  I honestly thought maybe a year or two at the most.  This past weekend, I began planning year FOUR!!

The amazing part is, the Lord just keeps bringing me full circle.  Back to His word.  That's all.  I mean...I struggle...this isn't easy...and yes, I choose to homeschool....but if you know the Lord, when He calls you to do something, you've got to do it!  I mean I suppose you can not do it, but honestly....as hard as homeschooling is....I can not even begin to tell all the stories of God's redeeming grace, His faithful sanctification of my heart, His constant pursuit of my mind for His glory.  That on top of being able to not only watch my children learn to read but to teach them to read...because their ability to read means, Lord willing, that one day through the pages of Scripture my sweet Jesus will come alive and capture their hearts and save their souls...as He has done for me.

So as tough as it's been lately....and the struggles we've got, the Lord, as I said, has brought me full circle in His word and prayer, fervently crying out as David did, "Create in my a pure heart O God an renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 and "Forgive me my hidden faults O Lord and keep Thy Servant from willful sins.."  Psalm 19:12....and certainly best of all when being responsible for my kids' education..."Lord grant me wisdom to teach them according to their need"  as He tells us to ask Him in James 1:5.  This one is constantly on the tip of my tongue....especially when I want to quit.

When the Lord gave me those verses and wrote them upon my heart over 13 years ago, I wasn't even married, I didn't have kids...nor was that even a thought on my radar....and yet all these years later...the Word of the Lord stands...and powerfully changes and daily ministers to the depths of my soul in so many ways.

Dear friend....if you aren't...get in the word!  If you are...I'd encourage you to do three things....journal it, memorize it (a verse at a time...however He speaks to you) and pray it back to Him!  Our Lord is faithful and amazing!!!


Suzie Cuzie said...

Wow! Thank you for the encouraging words this morning right before we start our school day! I love your heart for the Lord!

Brittany said...

Praise the Lord! Thank you Suzie!!!