
A Green Thumb

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in my living room looking at my two plants that sit on the ground by the fireplace.  One is flourishing, and the other...well not so much.  I keep watering them both faithfully and keep waiting.  But nothing is happening to the small one.

So finally my ever so green thumb and I decide maybe I should move the plant to another room, where it can get more sunlight.  I moved it to the dining room, which seems to get more consistent natural light.  Funny thing is, I'm so concerned about this plant growing, each morning I wonder through the dining room and open the blinds to aim the sunlight right at the plant.

Guess what?  It's growing!!  Yeah, that's right!  Finally!! I feel like it's grown at least 30%.  I have no way of telling because I didn't measure it.  But I know for sure it is growing, and not only is it growing but it's stretching towards the sun...just like plants do.

Been feeling kind of down lately...spiritually.  It's like I look around at these ladies doing so much, some with way more children than I have and I wonder, what is my deal?  Why am I not getting more done.  I have goals I want to reach, things I desperately want to do...and yet they remain undone.

You know what, I'm like that little plant.  Sitting in the same spot, not getting near enough light and sitting in soggy soil.

Faithfully I have my quiet time, daily...I'm asking God to speak to my heart...and yet...I feel like I'm not hearing from Him.

And this afternoon as I wondered into the dining room to check on my sweet little spider plant, it was as the Lord said, "sweet girl, you are this plant." See, I may be doing the right things, like staying in His word and praying, but maybe just maybe...my position is off.  Maybe I'm in the wrong room.  Just like my little plant.

That plant had the same soil, same amount of sunlight, same water and even the same pot  as it's "big brother" and yet it wasn't growing.

Maybe I need to change what I'm asking the Lord for...maybe I need to fast from something or for something.  I'm not sure yet...but what I am sure of is this:

"Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever." Hebrews 13:8

He never changes.  A popular song sings, "His love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me."  But our hearts do don't they?  Jeremiah 17:9 is piercing to me in more ways than I can count,

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?"

So, what do these two verses and a stagnant plant have to do with anything?  Well, ever feel spiritually stuck?  Just like you want to do something for God, you want to serve Him where you are...but maybe your situation or circumstances seem to be limiting you.  You may even have prepared yourself (or so you think) to do something great...and then you sit and wait on the Lord and nothing comes.  Nothing changes.  You feel stuck.

That's when His word has to be such a part of every fiber of your being that truth just oozes forth from your soul.  It's not just a quick fix, that special verse that's your go-to pick me up (Although those are pertinent to our lives), but like James 1:21 says, "Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls."

Implanted.  Meaning "implanted by others instruction" or "engrafted"  As in God's word is implanted into who you are.

Truthfully, Jesus is the same, He does not change.  So if I don't feel like I'm hearing from God and I know He hasn't changed...then I can conclude that I have.  Maybe I need to move positions (not physically...but in my heart).  Something is not where it needs to be, His word tells us our hearts are deceitful above all else.  We've got to be careful dear sister, guarding our hearts in Him.  Cultivating faithfulness.  Stay the course, clinging to His word, and yet asking for an open heart and open ears to hear Him whisper "move child...pick up your things and get into a different room, you need more light."

So now I'm walking through my dining room, and I'm singing every time I see that plant.  "Your love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me.."

God is good....He is faithful and He is love.

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