
Practical Homeschool Project

The boys and I had such a blast in our daily Bible time in school this morning. We started out with Matthew 15:18 which says "but the things that come out of the mouth; come from the heart..."

And then The Lord gave me this idea to make it visual.... I drew a little boy with a big heart and a bible inside of it...then I have him a conversation bubble and we went through the bible finding verses that spoke to us about what will come out of our mouths if we are hiding his word I. Our hearts.

"I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11

If I had a larger white board I may have drawn three boys and let each one fill in his own bubble quietly and the shared as a group. Or maybe they could do it in their journals to share. However you want to do it, I thought it was a neat way to engage their hearts, hands and minds to get some practical biblical application for daily living!

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