
Crossing out the 'un'

This morning I sat down at my computer to play catch up.  Been walking through some things with my family that have been very consuming.   So after a few minutes I realized I was about 4 days behind according to my daily desk calendar.  I speed read, a lot.  It's a great habit I was taught in middle school, however I've found as an adult I am constantly teaching myself to slow down and read...really read...and digest what is before me.  So, as I realized I was 'living in the past' on my calendar there was a sentence that jumped out at me before I flipped the page to catch up.

"He does not call us to unfinished tasks or halfhearted ventures."

Well, once I read that I knew I had to read the entire days' devotion.  You see, I can honestly look at my life and say...I am the queen of unfinished tasks.  I am extremely disciplined and yet somehow it seems my intentions often far exceed my accomplishments.

I have no idea why that is one of my biggest struggles....in fact it was a huge deterrent for me when deciding to homeschool.  I think as I go through life just being a mom part of life is actually unfinished tasks. I generally always have a load of laundry to fold or some other chore that may not get done.  That's not what I'm talking about.  So I stopped, slowed my mind down and read the entire devotion this morning, and I want to share it because it is encouraging to me:

"The LORD will perfect that which concerns me."  Psalm 138:8

"God desires for us to become all that He created us to be.  He expects us to develop and then to use all of the talents, abilities, and gifts that He has placed within us...God's plan is for us to accomplish all of the work that He sets before us.  He does not call us to unfinished tasks or halfhearted ventures.  When God places a challenge, opportunity, or goal in front of us, He expects us to pursue it with our whole heart, mind, and soul to experience a measure of success in accomplishing what He has called us to."

Now you may need to read that a few times to capture what the author (Charles Stanley) is suggesting.  He is not suggesting unparalleled success, or propagating a prosperity or poverty gospel.  He is simply encouraging us in what the word says in Psalm 138, that God has called each of us to certain ventures in our lives that He has uniquely gifted us to accomplish and that the success we experience when we accomplish what He has set before us, is refining, freeing, challenging and a blessing all at the same time.  "Perfect" means to complete.  He will complete it.

It's the call to serve wholeheartedly in a church plant when you are perfectly comfortable at your well established church where you thoroughly enjoy the preaching and your kids enjoy the established children's ministry and they have friends.  It's the persistent call from the Lord to homeschool when you just think it's the absolute last thing you would ever sign up for, let alone do and do well.  It's the reminder that, as God calls you to be a teacher, He will lead you into a deep student/teacher relationship with Himself.  He will speak powerfully to your heart daily, hourly if need be, but He will accomplish His purpose.  It's the living reality of Proverbs 19:21, "Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails."

I believe the unfinished tasks and halfhearted ventures aren't the daily to-dos that don't get checked off, but rather those specific callings that the Lord Himself has called us each to individually.  Be it homeschool, be a working mother, serve in church, be an intentional grandparent, be a writer, teach kids, work in a secular job.  Whatever the specific calling that the Lord has placed before you, two things are certain:  He will sustain you in what He has called you to do (1 Thessalonians 5:24) and His purpose will prevail (Proverbs 19:21).

It takes a great deal of discernment to know when to calls it quits and when to pursue something.  I honestly believe if you are seriously seeking God for that discernment He will make it abundantly clear which direction you are to take.  Often times, I've found...the hardest part about changing our lives' course is the fear of man.  What will others think if we don't go into full time ministry when we were so sure that was what God had for us?  So do we live in the shadow of condemnation if the Lord leads us out of paid ministry into a regular lay lifestyle?  Absolutely not.  Remember there is now therefore no condemnation in Christ Jesus.  Own your weaknesses, own your strengths.  God created you with both and remember it is in what you would quickly label a weakness that God's word says in 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me."  In all of it look for God....He is there. In every situation, unfulfilled dream or unrealized expectation...you will find the Lord.  He does not leave His children, He does not forsake them.

It's possible unmet expectations mean your expectations just weren't really in line with what the Lord has for you.  And, that's okay.  Confess those expectations to Him, and leave it there.  He will heal, restore and revive.  He does it all because of who He is.

So let's boldly seek the Lord asking Him to take our unfinished tasks, and turn them into finished tasks....let's cross that 'un' right out...and rely on Him to complete it.

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