
Answered prayer at the Kitchen Sink.

I am continually amazed at the Lord's graciousness.  This may sound trivial to some of you..but I am almost always praying for creativity when it comes to teaching my children.  I am not creative, and it's hard for me to think outside the box.  In fact, for my type A personality...I'd love to take a class..."How to be creative" 

So this morning, we started our daily school routine with Bible as usual, except they were all snacking, so I decided to teach at the breakfast bar.  We were talking through "thoroughness."  Yeah, sometimes I wonder if the kids at 7, 5 and 3 will get what I teach them...but today was amazing!!

I have been teaching the kids daily through Operational Character Qualities that I snagged from the Duggar Family Website.  They have really enjoyed it.  It teaches a godly character quality in opposition to a worldly quality.  So today...we were talking about being thorough...completely a task and having the wisdom to know when we are neglecting duties and responsibilities that are God given..so that we can change our attitudes to concentrate on what the Lord calls us to do and then be responsible to do them.

Wrapping my mind around all this was a little much.  I love how I can read, re-read and read again God's word...and yet each time be challenged to change in a new way...to honor Him.  His word is inexhaustible.

As I demonstrated to the kids the importance of being thorough..by offering them raw rice as opposed to cooked rice...they started to grasp the importance of completing tasks according to the directions. 

As we talked through where wisdom comes from and what wisdom is...the Lord of course, led me to James 1:5, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."

Which led to a wonderful conversation about being generous.  I am so thrilled about this example...this is the LORD blessing me with creativity....an answered prayer!!!!  I took a cup, and placed it under the faucet, letting it fill up and continually overflow.  I said, "boys this is the Lord's kindness and generosity towards us....in giving us wisdom....He says  He gives generously without finding fault!!!"

Honestly, I think the demonstration meant more to my heart than theirs (maybe...it's hard to gauge) but I keep thinking...God does fill our cup...overflowing almost always.  He gives so graciously, so freely and so generously...so perfectly.  I've repeatedly seen in my life how the Lord gives us what I need.  We may not "sign-up" for it, or often wonder if there is a possibility we've made a mistake....but ultimately...we rest in God's sovereignty and trust..knowing that He has chosen His best for us....for His glory.

Homeschooling is hard.  Teaching, correcting, planning, testing....all the while maintaining the home, cooking, cleaning...and on and on...it's a lot to balance.  But God...He gives a greater grace.  He overflows my cup...He supplies the strength to do it.  Sometimes I want to quit...just to walk away have a "normal" mom life...drop the kids off at school and be done...but then, God reels me back into reality (because He has called me to do this, and this is my 'normal') and whispers..."faithful is He who calls you, He will also bring it to pass."  1 Thes. 5:24

And today in that simple demonstration of an overflowing cup...I saw the beauty of my Savior speaking to my heart...I've got this!

The boys and I are memorizing James 1:5 in hopes of hiding it in our hearts so that we can use the wisdom that God gives us to know His ways, and choose them over our own.

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