
Christmas in July

Today I went for coffee!  So exciting because I don't do it all the time, and I had a FREE birthday coffee!!  YAY!  Coffee is good....FREE coffee is better!

So I pulled up to get my favorite drink at a local coffee shop.  I ordered my drink and pulled around...I'll be honest...I was giddy.  It's a bit like Christmas in July when I score a free coffee!!!

At this particular place, there is always a "question of the day" and customers put their tip in whichever answer suits them best.  My jaw didn't drop at today's question...but rather seeing the results...

Okay, so honestly this may not surprise as many of you as I hope it does...but the "Lie" bin was full and the "truth" bin was sparse...at best.

So, can I pose the question, if people themselves would rather lie every time they are asked a question.....are they opposed to being lied to?

The other day I was driving behind a car with the bumper sticker that read, "Kids have imaginary friends, adults have God"

You know what?  I'm appalled.  I mean I didn't even grow up in a Christian home, but our family had respect for religion and the church goers among us.  That era is gone folks.

Romans 1:24-25 says, " Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen"

The entire ride home my heart was so somber.  All those people who "bought" into the lie....I wondered...did it seem laughable to them?  Honestly....if lying wins....what does that mean?  It means we are all liars.  So we are all waking around lying to one another.  When does it stop?

I'm not debating the Scripture that says, "all have sinned" and "none are righteous"    Those are true without question, but I am saying as a believer (and I know I'm not alone...)  I try to walk in the truth....Jesus says He has no greater joy than to hear that His children are walking in the truth.

Could it be possible that absolutely no fellow believers went before me today in the line for coffee?  Were they are disgusted as I was?  Did they forgo putting their money where the mouth is so to speak by not contributing either way.  Who knows, anything is possible.

I brought it up to the barista.  I said, "I'm appalled at this"  To which she replied, "Well I don't put those questions there."   Wow.  I had to breathe, that sweet woman immediately became defensive.  She must've thought she was going to get an earful of dissatisfaction from me.   I just calmly replied, "Ma'am I am so disheartened that the results show people choose lying over truth....not that the question was posed."  She quietly smiled and nodded in agreement.

This Christmas in July free coffee turned into a sweet time of fellowship with the Lord.  I don't want to live a lie.  My life isn't perfect, I don't have it all together...I may have a clean house or whatever, but I do NOT live a perfect life. I make mistakes, I say and do things I shouldn't...but by the overwhelming grace of our Lord Jesus, I can run to Him each time and receive His forgiveness and mercy and strength to live more like Christ each day.

Dear friend, fellow believer....I pray that this encourages you to take a LOVING stand for truth.  Years ago, I had a situation where I felt compelled to correct a believer in Christ, I was going to write a letter...and each time I sat down to write the letter, I had no clarity.  No precise words.  So I stopped and I committed to prayer for a few weeks.  I never ended up writing the letter.  Why?  Especially when the other party was clearly wrong.  Well because it's amazing how quickly we all become the crowd that walked away rather than stoning the adulterous woman.  We all have sin don't we?  We all need Jesus.  Every. Single. Day.

Don't go into a full force assault you against the world for truth.  Prayerfully ask the Lord to show you where you can stand for truth in a manner that is consistent with Scripture...with love and grace.  Ask God...."Lord how can I speak the truth in love today as I live in a fallen world?"   Sweet friend...you will be overwhelmed with the opportunities He gives you.

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