
Following the Call, four years later..

How did we even get here?   I mean I remember the first day of first grade for my oldest and here we are.  Year FOUR.  Day one.

Honestly that's hard to wrap my mind around.  I can't believe  I am starting our fourth year of homeschooling.  I remember year one day one.  The emotions I had on that day were nothing compared what is racing around my head today.

Today I begin a year where I will teach nine subjects at 4th grade level, eight subjects at 2nd grade level, and four or five to a kindergartener.

Overwhelmed may be a slight  understatement.

But, experience has taught me, that my God uses homeschooling in our family's life to refine each of us.  At the end of year one, I wasn't even sure what my oldest had learned...but one thing for certain was....God has worked a great deal of sin out of my life.  The selfishness and 'time-hoarding' tendencies I had, just to name two.

It's all about motivation.

What motivates you?   You see, K5 for my oldest....he attended private school.  Because I didn't want to homeschool him with a 2 year old and infant at home.  Even though God had called me to do it.  I really felt it would be best for him to go to a private Christian school.  My motivation was taking the easy way.  I honestly had no idea how I could handle homeschooling.   That was my problem.  It's not my responsibility to 'handle' it.  It's my responsibility to trust.   Over and over again.

Then, halfway through the year the Lord worked out circumstances, bringing a career change for my husband that took away our ability to pay for private school.  It was clear.  The Lord said "Homeschool, my child" and that was going to be our route no matter what.

I remember even telling my best friend, "If I am not homeschooling in the fall, I am walking in disobedience to the call of God on my life...and I need you to call me on it!"  

I needed accountability.  I needed prayer.  I needed to trust.

"Faithful is HE who calls you, HE will also bring it to pass."  1 Thessalonians 5:24.

Faithfully God was calling me to homeschool, and I am so thankful He did not just change His mind.  He was patient with me, even when I put our oldest in school.  And it was a good school.  He had a great experience and an amazing teacher.  Private or public school just isn't what the Lord has called our family to during this season.

That means, I have to teach.   Not out of obligation, but out of gratitude.  Gratitude to a God, a loving Father, who saw my intense need for a Savior.  Who knew left to myself I would not obey, left to myself would not choose His way...and so He sent Christ, and then didn't stop there, but gave me (and all believers) the gift of the Holy Spirit to allow us to follow Christ, and give us the strength to do the right thing.

So, year four, day one.   It begins.

Following God on a journey He ordained for our family, even before our family walked on day on this earth.

Remember dear friend, it's not the works God is so concerned with, it's the motivation....ask Him for a pure heart (Psalm 51:10) to do what He has called you to do...then trust.  Truly trust that the God of the universe who called you to it, will walk you through it and will bless your soul by transforming you more into the image of Christ, our Savior.

And it's not just homeschooling.  Whatever it is in your life that you feel God calling you to, but you haven't acted on for whatever reason....believe me....take that step...go ahead follow Him.  The lessons you will learn are worth the risks...whatever they may be...God wants to speak powerfully to your heart through His word, and He wants to transform your heart and life for His glory....


Suzie Cuzie said...

Wow Brittany! This was beautiful! This is the inspiration I needed as I begin preparing our "school room" for the year! Blessings to you my friend!

Brittany said...

Thank you Suzie for your kind words!!! Blessings to you in your new school year!!