
That Mysterious Box...

Funny how perspective changes as we grow up.   Today I came home after a long morning of errands.  My first errand was a very sobering one.   I had an appointment with my husband to sign our living trust paperwork with our attorney.

It's a necessity, but not something that's fun to do or think about.  But part of growing up is realizing and living with the fact that life isn't just all Legos and make believe.

So as I pulled up to the house I saw a large box on our front porch.

Funny thing is, I'm thinking "awe man I haven't ordered anything online I sure hope there wasn't a mistake or something and I've been charged for something I thought about ordering and just didn't. 

So I sent my middle son to grab the box and they are EXCITED.   "Mom what is it!?  Cool, a package!!" 

Poor kid, I opened it up after checking the label...it was for me...and I realized it was my copies of a book I'd been published in as a contributing author.  My sweet and smaller seven year old carried that heavy box inside across the house and put it up on our table for me. 

Honestly relief washed over me!  This is a huge praise, and Lord willing, just the beginning.  I am so grateful that The Lord has allowed my story to be published because my prayer is that what The Lord has brought is through would minister to others needs and point them to Him for answers and guidance.  My passion is that the journey God has our family on will impact lives and make a difference eternally. Not just here in Simpsonville, SC or planet earth...but in the life to come.

Inside an unexpected box (or rather a forgotten shipment) The Lord just poured out a blessing on me that He knew my heart needed today.

My marriage, my kids, my life...they aren't perfect...but they are in my care while I'm here on earth. And I believe that God has entrusted them to me to use for his glory.  That others would see the Savior Jesus making a difference in the lives of his children.    

No matter how old I am, how different my perspective becomes on the 'things' of life I pray the desire to serve and seek him is always fresh and filled with expectant anticipation the way my boys were as they opened the box today.  

Because my God works all things together for good.  All things, not all good things, all things.

He is faithful!!!

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