
An Unlikely Audience

Today our school start time came and went.  Two years ago I would've been seriously annoyed, but God has done a work and today I was thankful the boys were getting the sleep they needed and I had an extra hour to prepare
We are studying through various spiritual disciplines and this week is prayer...really fitting considering my day yesterday.  So we started talking through 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and Jeremiah 33:3.   The boys began to ask questions and before I know it I was sharing my testimony of coming to Christ with my boys.

Again, with kids, and especially boys you never know how much they actually take in and remember.  

Until this afternoon.   I'm driving them around and my middle one pipes us, "Mommy how did Daddy come to know Jesus as Savior?"

LOVE.  IT.   They listened. 

More importantly, God is stirring their precious little hearts with His word.

Just two years ago our oldest heard a testimony of a lady in our church coming to Christ.   That evening he asked Christ into his heart.   Sharing your testimony may seem somewhat antiquated.  When I first became a believer, Campus Crusade put a huge emphasis on writing out your testimony and being ready to share it at any given opportunity.  Fast forward eleven years into adulthood and hearing people's testimonies seems to be a lost art.
Sometimes in the Christian subculture we get caught up in formality or traditions of men.  It's all to easy to do.  Sharing our testimony at church or with a  women's group might seem more appropriate.  After all you'd "reach" more people.
But, after today, I'm seriously convicted about not just sharing my personal testimony with my boys, but having an open and on going dialogue about what The Lord is doing in my life.

Why?  It shows Him real to them.  It shows them the reality of an adult "who can do whatever they want."  Submitting themselves to God, being changed, being used for something and someone more important than themselves.  It's more than reading through the Bible with them, it's more than talking at them, it's more than helping them hide His word in their hearts...it's being willing to use discretion and share what is appropriate at their ages and within the confines of a parent/child relationship...to show Christ active in your own life.

Can I challenge you as the Lord has challenged me?  Have you shared your testimony with your kids?  After all, dear friend, it is their heritage as well.   God didn't put your kids into your care by accident.  He chose you to parent them before they were formed in your womb.  He saved your soul not just for you, but to impact those He has given you.

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