
Wonder Woman

I found this coffee cup yesterday, and since I really enjoy coffee and my second favorite cup recently broke, I thought for $3.99 it would be a nice treat!!  This cup made me smile.  For so many reasons, and as I was thinking over all of them, I kept coming back to this thought, "I wonder what my boys think of me as their mom?"

Here are just a few, first, when I was a little girl, I had some Wonder Woman underoos and I even have pictures of it, which is really hilarious.  Second, sometimes at the end of the day, or as a response to "What did you do today?" I honestly pause in absolute wonder at what the Lord does with my days.  I mean, I can list all the 'things' I do each day, it's highly likely I will leave some off the list.  But each day, the Lord wakes me up, and I start again.

Wonder means, "to be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel." 

I'm no wonder woman, but this cup sure is a nice reminder that each day I wake up, I've got a lot of responsibility before me.  Responsibility given to me as a gift from our Creator.  He chose me to be the mother of these three boys.  Just as He chose you to parent your kids.  You and I will never be the perfect mother.  It can't happen, there's a minor detail we often like to forget about...called our 'sin nature.'  But, as we profess Christ as Savior, we can trust in His  power to strengthen us each day to parent our kids for His glory.  Parenting is hard, have I mentioned that?  It means putting your needs second (sometimes third, fourth...or even just dead last).  It means early mornings whether you want to or not, it means late nights whether you want to or not.  It is a journey that refines the heart.

One very wise mommy friend of mine once said, "You will never be the perfect mother, but you are the perfect mother for your kids."   It's taken me years to wrap my mind around that wisdom.

So the next time someone says to me, "I just don't know how you do all you do."  I may just tell them I'm wonder woman.  I'm a regular woman, who submits her day to the Lord and watches with wonder as He works all things for His glory each day.

Give thanks to the Lord of lords,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
 To Him who alone does great wonders,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting
Psalm 135:3-4

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