
Electronic Priveleges: REVOKED!

We have three boys.  Active and young boys.  And I homeschool.  Just to be honest, things like the Wii, the DS, the iPad and Netflix are sometimes helpful tools when I am particularly stressed.  However 'helpful' they may be, they are privileges...not rights...at least in our home.

I've noticed lately, as we've suspended electronic activity in our home that my boys are taking on one of two roles at any given time. 

Giver and Taker. 

Now more often than not one particular child takes on the 'taker' role.  It seems he is always negotiating his brothers out of something, be it Legos or electronic privileges or outside toys.  This one seems to predominately be a taker.

Now, you can argue that his negotiating skills are wonderful and they will serve him well in adulthood.  All of which is possible.

Then you could argue that the other two are being more servant minded, and truly embodying "preferring others over themselves" as they are more often the givers.

Which, you could argue that this is a great heart-attitude to have, seeing as it is scriptural.

So, you might wonder....why am I even blogging about this?  Well, it all comes down to motives.  Is my taker motivated to be wise with what he obtains?  Or is he trying to obtain things that he covets?   Are my givers giving because they want their brothers' approval?

Now I am neither judge nor jury.  I'm not the mom so that I can judge their thoughts and intentions, rather I am here to administer grace in their lives to draw out their sin, and point them to the gospel of Christ that they would grow in the grace and knowledge of Him.

Which means I am consistently intervening when situations appear amiss, and helping my boys to work through the issues of their hearts to see their need for Christ and His grace.

But this morning, as I heard "I don't want you to have my lego anymore since you aren't being nice."  I began to think on this.   I've got givers and takers.  There are pros and cons to each role.

But what does God say?  How does God call me to live?  

Do I look at others as what I can take from them?  To put it another way, am I looking at people as instruments to use for my advantage?  How can they help me?  What can they add to my life?


Am I looking at others to see how I can be a blessing to them?  If so, am I trying to be a blessing to benefit myself?

Am I consumed by myself?  Is it possible that the sin of self preference is so deeply rooted it impacts every relationship we enter?

I'd go with a resounding  yes.

So, where my hope? How I love there words, and the older I am the deeper they resound with my soul:

My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
but wholly lean on Jesus' name.

Remember, His grace is sufficient for us and love covers a multitude of sins.  We are not without hope, we are redeemed and forgiven, covered in Grace being refined each day for His glory!


Unknown said...

Wonderfully worded,a lesson that is so hard for us self sufficants to learn, but our only hope is a person....and it ain't me!!!

Brittany said...

Love you Ms. Cindee!!! Amen again and again...I'm so very thankful for His patience with me!!!