
Hunting for Toads

Lately I've been blogging about the new season of motherhood I'm entering.  The toddlers days are gone...perhaps they've been gone longer than I'm willing to admit seeing as my baby is 5.

There are things I will miss about the toddler years for sure.  The pudgy baby cheeks is probably top on the list.  Baby cheeks are simply irresistible to me.  Oh and baby chins.  Something about those baby chins are just breathtaking!!!

There are things I won't miss, like planning an outing and never really knowing how it will go because at any given moment they could break down into a full blown toddler tantrum, and the stress that goes along with that.

But this new season, even though I know there will be challenges,  I'm really embracing the fun stuff.  Like the ability to surprise the kids with field trips!   It's so fun!  On the days when everything clicks and we have extra time it's amazing.  We can load up and go somewhere fun!

Yesterday was one of those days.  School just clicked the boys did what they were supposed to do and I found a local scavenger hunt called Toads on Trade.   

For my local friends check it out, it's fun and free, the website will give you the background story and the printable hints to find all the Toads.  There is a great city close by for a picnic.  Unlike our Epic Corn Maze field trip, we rocked the Toads on Trade, and were able to find all ten!!  Praise God that was a first!

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