
Yup...I'm that Mom!

I am that mom.  You all have seen her, the one with the "Mom's Taxi" bumper sticker on her minivan.  Yup, that's me.  The funny part of it is, I'm not just the taxi, because we homeschool.  So we do a lot at home.  But, I'm a little older now, and so are my kids...which means, I'm in that season of motherhood.  Marking my calendar with their events, not just mine.  Driving them and their friends not just mine.
Our Family Calendar

So, yesterday I woke up yesterday and it was Monday morning.

Reading.  Studying.  Running. Clean Kitchen.  Write. 


Laundry.  Vacuum. Lunch. 

Homeschool some more.

Write some more.

Dinner....ahh...what's for dinner?!?!?!  Cook something random.  Eat.

I gathered a short list for the grocery store, loaded up the car...and as I was driving it hit me about 6:30, "Ahh...I can't wait for 10:00, I'm going to get to watch a new episode of Duck Dynasty."

I ran into the grocery store, to grab a few things along with a snack for my 7 year olds' ballgame on Tuesday.

Ugh, like a ton of bricks...it hit me.  It was still Monday.

Yup, one of those kinds of days.  Where so much was done and happened, by the end of it...I really felt like it has been three days.

I went to bed last night, and it was Monday night.

Even though I felt like three days had passed, in the midst of all that madness, I am blessed in this new season of motherhood. I get to cuddle up with my best friend each night and drift off to sleep listening to him snore.  I get to kiss three little boys, entrusted to my care, goodnight.  Then I get to wake up and do it all over again.  God is good!!

I'm living proof that the older we get the faster time goes.  Oh yesterday was a blessing, and busy and we accomplished much.  I am thankful for it, but I am also thankful that today is Tuesday, and however much activity today holds, I am grateful that I know Who holds today!

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