
Vacation Ramblings

A friend of mine always posts the most adorable pictures on her Facebook with the hash tag "it's the littles."  I thoroughly enjoy the pictures!  Because isn't it truly all those little moments that take your breath away in varying degrees that make the best memories?  For me it is.

Like right now the sun is shining their is a gentle breeze and the wonder of God's ocean is right at my feet...and yet I'm tucked in quietly listening to the sweet sound of four sleeping boys.  Three are snoring.

There are a lot of defining moments in life.  For me I'd say honestly two stick out to be predominant: salvation..June 5, 1995 and my wedding day July 20, 2002...following these would be the birth of my children.

But often it's all the littles along the way that so often are forgotten...like that day when your baby first ate solid food...or the first time they got potty training, the first time they were able to read by themselves.  Some are amazing and some not so much...they come with tears...like the realization I can no longer pick all my boys up and carry them..my body is too little and theirs are just getting bigger and bigger.

I remember our wedding program shared this verse:

"This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes." Psalm 118:23

All these little things, no matter how I view them are all gifts from The Lord. I can't pick up my nine year old...but I have a healthy 9 year old to love, teach and parent.

I may have picked up my kid from class and he was in trouble...but now I have a wide open door to love out instruction, reconciliation and forgiveness with my little one.

I don't have the perfect life, perfect home, or perfect kids...but I serve a PERFECT God who has done things marvelously and to Him be all the glory!

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