
Corn Mazes

Our family loves mazes.   I mean honestly sometimes it can turn into an argument with the kids as to who gets to complete the mazes that come our way.  Either on kids' menus at a restaurant or in  a newspaper.  They all love them, and they all are pretty good at them as well.

So, when I recently saw a groupon deal for a Corn Maze, I thought it would be perfect.  Our boys love farms and the outdoors and mazes and I love a good deal.

Sunday after church we headed to a local farm to wonder through the corn mazes.  We listened to the man giving instructions, took our 'worksheet' with hints and set off.  We wondered through the first maze for about thirty minutes, twice making it back to the start...before we decided maybe we aren't getting this one, so we left through the 'mini-maze' and went to the second regular maze.

We followed the paths, we were persistent.  My husband and I really were determined to get through this one.  Then one by one our kids lost their stamina.  One had to potty, one hit the other one.  It was just a hot, sticky, grumbling mess.

I looked up and saw nothing but corn.  It sure was pretty.  It didn't smell the best, but the sight was beautiful.  We couldn't see the end, we couldn't hear the end.  All we could see was the path in front of us.

We kept on walking for at least another thirty minutes.  Finally!  We began to hear other people and see regular grass!  We had made it!! Yes!  We walked right out of the entrance of the maze.  Yet again!

Clearly our  family is not a real-life 'maze' family.

As we were walking, I just whispered to my husband, "we can see the path right? we can't see the end, and we've lost the beginning, but we've just got to trust the path don't we?"

Kind of like our walk with our Lord.  We can't see the beginning, sometimes it's a very faint memory.  We don't know what the end is, and we can't see all the details of the journey.  All we can see is the path immediately before us.

Just like trusting that the farmer who plowed that maze had a plan, and if we followed the paths he made we would eventually find one that would lead us out.  We've got to trust the Lord to lead us on the path He has us on. 

Right now.  Just this day.  That's all we can handle.  "O Lord, I cry out to you.
    I will keep on pleading day by day."  Psalm 88:13

I never thought I'd be a stay at home mom.  That thought never entered my mind growing up, I was basically raised to be a corporate woman. 

But God.

I never, ever thought I'd be a homeschooling stay at home mom. 

But God.

I certainly never planned on homeschooling as long as I have.

 But God.

I have no plan to homeschool through middle school

But God.

I don't have a definitive answer for when we will cease being a homeschool family.  In some regards, we will never even if our kids grace the steps of public or private schools.  In other ways, should the Lord lead us to put our kids in a public or private school setting...I know we will follow His guidance.

Over and over again, day by day, year by year we have not just seen the Lord's faithfulness, we have walked in it. We have followed step by step, not able to see the end, but trusting the One who laid the path for our family...and we have experienced God.  We will experience what He has for us.

We don't have the answers, but we've got the hints.  Boldly and lovingly tucked away in His word.  His love, grace and guidance are waiting for us.

I'm thankful for the great deal on the corn maze the Lord provided, it was a blessing and the experience was wonderful.  However, I won't be loading up our van anytime soon to struggle through a real life maze, that's for sure...

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