
Hitting the Wall

Quit talking. Start doing.  

That was my personal pep talk about 8 days ago.  I've always wanted to write and felt that was something the Lord has called me to do. 

Then I waited.  I just kept finding that I couldn't find the time to write. I couldn't get myself organized enough to pick a topic.   Overall I don't feel like a lazy person, but the older I get the more the Lord refines my heart. 

That refining is totally in layers.   Amen, anyone?!?

I dare say we could not handle complete or instant refinement here on earth.  I think the depths of our sinfulness would be too much to handle all at once.  It's overwhelming layer by layer as it is.   God speaks to the condition of our hearts in Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things,  and desperately sick; who can understand it?"

So as I had prayed and asked the Lord to show me the next steps in my writing, and I sat in church one Sunday, I heard the Lord specifically call me to something that was very scary.  Daunting really, so much so I kept asking, "Are you sure Lord?" 

Oh, He was certain. 

So here I am with a writing deadline.  No publisher deadline.  Just one from the Lord.

Almost more scary than an earthly publisher, know what I mean?

So today, my amazing kiddos had earned some quiet time in their respective rooms, and I set to work.  I had begun gathering my research and jotting down an outline a few days ago.  So as I sat staring at it, and trying to articulate my first few pages...the Lord began to flood my heart with His truth.

For an hour.

That's all I had.  Then I hit a wall. 

Yup...writer's block.  Nothing.  As quickly as it came, it stopped.

So....what do you do when your kids have served their time and you have nothing left (at the moment) to write?

 Well, as a mom of a little league baseball player, I rounded up 2/3 of the kiddos and played baseball.

But in all seriousness....

What do you do....how do you handle writer's block? 

 I'd love to hear some encouraging and fresh ideas. 

 What verses do you run to?

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