
Breaking Down News Years Resolutions

You know those epiphany moments?  Where you have such a revelation and you realize you just aren't going to be the same again.  Something changes inside you and you just get to a place where you realize where you are is done.  You don't need to be there anymore.  In fact, sometimes you realize you've been there long enough maybe even too long and it is beyond time to truly embrace the next season?

It's like realizing, you are that mom.  The one with older kids.  The words "bouncer seat" and "stroller" are no long part of your vocabulary and you aren't discussing which brand of diapers worked best for which child or where the best deal is on Huggies.  Or which formula worked best for your kid or how long you nursed each child. 

That baby phase is, dare I say, over.  Letting go of the baby stage means that not only my kids have to continue to grow up, but so do I.

I guess maybe growing up can be daunting.  When you're a kid it's some mystical achievement.  I honestly think kids look at adults with different eyes than adults do.  I have no idea what my kids think I do, but they have said on occasion, "I can't wait to grow up and I can do whatever I want whenever I want."
As we are seeing 2013 come to a close, something the Lord has blessed us with is the confirmation that our family is complete for now.   God has graciously granted us three healthy, challenging young boys.  Our 'baby' is five.  Reading, sleeping through the night and learning and gaining independence each day.  Our oldest is approaching ten.  These are all milestones to be so grateful for, and we truly are.  So now we move on to a new year, looking forward to 2014 and what will be.

My current stage then is older kids, not teenagers, but not infants and toddlers.  No longer am I that young mom who has no clue what she's doing, I'm that 10 year vet that can let things slide because more than likely they will pass and our kids will be fine, if not better, from whatever 'trama' they believe is life ending at the moment.  I'm that sinner saved by grace nearly two decades ago that realizes grace is all that matters, it holds us together and keeps us in Christ.  I need it more than I know and I need to freely give it more than I do because I have a Savior who gave it freely to me an undeserving sinner.

This weekend I had the privilege to take a break.  For the first time since my oldest son was born nearly ten years ago, I left my kids for more than 24 hours.  I packed my bag and flew 1000 miles away to spend the weekend with my sister and her family.  Leaving my kids home with Daddy for three days.   It was hard because I missed them, but not as hard as I thought because I was able to love on my nephews without distraction for three full days! 

The Lord also afforded me a lot of time to reflect, which was honestly really cool as we welcome a new year.  I began to think on my boys.  Each one of them is so unique and so talented.  Each one has their own strengths and weaknesses.  It's my job to help them cultivate their strengths and identify their weaknesses.  I think the biggest epiphany I had was that they are not nearly as young as I still feel they are, and that helping them identify and embrace their weaknesses so they can work through them, accept them and then focus on their strengths is not bad parenting.  In fact, it may be quite the opposite.

After all, doesn't the Lord refine us bit by bit?  Revealing the areas we need to turn over to Him so He can reveal Christ in us for His glory?  He takes our weaknesses our messes and our frailties and shows Himself powerful and gracious in their place!

He walks us to the next stage of life with Power and Grace that engulfs our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus through the power of His Word.  He is the Grace Giver who grants us peace and holds our hands as we close a chapter and open another.

"And the LORD your God will clear away these nations before you little by little; you will not be able to put an end to them quickly, lest the wild beasts grow too numerous for you."  Deuteronomy 7:22

I love this verse and it is such a comfort and encouragement in life.  Simply put the Lord could've easily, with a word eliminated complete nations before the Israelite people.  Then the land would have been clear and ready for their occupation.  But God.  In His wisdom He knew, if he would have eliminated the nations all at once the wild beasts would have taken over and grown too numerous for them to contain.  Therefore He took care of the nations little by little.

He walks us through growing up, little by little.  Because He knows us, He knows our frame, He created each of us with strengths and weaknesses. Both are gifts.  Both are to be used by Him.

So He leads us little by little, and as our family starts a New Year, His mercies are New and Fresh. He guides our path, and changes our course.  It may not be the path we would have chosen or the course we planned, but it's "the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes."  Psalm 118:23

I want to encourage you dear friend, as you begin your new year, set goals and make resolutions, but give yourself grace.  Take your larger goals and resolutions and follow God's example, break them down into little steps.  Give yourself the grace to achieve them bit by bit following each little step God has for you and your family.  When you look back in another year, if you follow Him little by little, you will be amazed at how far you've gone.

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