
Unexpected Answers

New Year, new changes.  Bit by bit.  That's how it's going down in our house.  We are just taking it one step at a time. 

On New Year's Eve Day we sat our boys down, and taught them about goal setting.  We talked through what our goals were, personal, professional and spiritual.  Honestly it was a really neat idea my husband came up with.  We had finished eating lunch and he just started the conversation and we went around the table asking each child what they wanted to learn about, change, or achieve.  When you have a nine, seven and five year old you get some really cool responses.

One thing I wanted to do was put ideas into action. So yesterday since we are still on Christmas vacation from school, I made a list.  Our older boys are growing up and it's a transitional point in their lives, they need some encouragement embracing maturity (don't we all at times really?).   So one idea I had was to re-do their rooms.  Nothing major, just updating furniture, rearranging and removing the toddler era toys and making their rooms more grown-up.

Well, we've got three boys and buying new furniture isn't something we do everyday.  So we started with our seven year old because his birthday is this month.  I sat each of the kids down and talked to them about growing up, and gaining more responsibility and freedom.  What that entails and how they have to earn certain privileges by proving they are responsible and stepping up around the house to show us they can handle things.

As I was making my list of all the things I wanted to get done in the first three months of the year, I began to realize, some where pretty inexpensive while others were not.  So my specific to-do list yesterday included the less expensive options, and a lot of prayer.  I began praying asking the Lord to guide us to what He had for our boys.  Specifically our oldest.  It may sound silly, but I prayed and asked the Lord, "for a good deal on furniture for Joseph or even maybe if someone has a free set to pass on." 

Well, I've got a sister in Christ that loves to deal hunt as I do, and she lives locally.  She finds amazing deals sometimes so I sent her a text asking if she had over the holidays seen any good deals on a headboard.

A few hours later, and several bags of toys to be donated and rearranging two bedrooms of furniture, I got a text with an offer for a free headboard.

I mean, are you serious Lord? 

See, sometimes I ask God for things, and in the back of my mind I might be thinking they are "pie in the sky" and a "Long-shot."  So I don't even know that while asking I really expect to see the fulfillment of what I asked for.   Now I am not preaching "name it and claim it." Not by any means.  

What I'm suggesting is that in the busyness of our everyday, sometimes we pray without expectation.  We whisper a prayer here and there, and sometimes we even pour out our hearts to God begging for action.  But over time, our hearts grow stagnant.  As if we know God will do what He wants to do when He wants to do it, and so yes we are praying, but no we are often not expecting.


"And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." Matthew 21:22

I am not suggesting the Lord will give you everything you ask for.  To be honest, we need to shout a Hallelujah that He does not give us everything we ask for!  But we can be confident that when we pray, He hears us, He provides for us, He loves us, and He answers us.

He answers things sometimes in the exact way we prayed, sometimes in the exact opposite of what we prayed.  But our God is a faithful God who loves His children dearly and knows our needs before we even ask, He knows our wants before we present them to Him.  And at every moment He gives us exactly what we need.

So, yesterday...I had the parenting privilege to explain to my boys that the Lord knew my request even though I had spoken it to no one other than Him, and He chose to grant that.  He blessed us.  Not because of who I am, they are or my husband is.  But simply because of who He is.

This is our God,   Who is like You among the gods, O Lord? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders?  Exodus 15:11

You may be wondering why I am blogging about free bedroom furniture.  You know what? It's not about the gifts, it's about the Giver!   Our God is gracious, and He cares about every little detail.

Sometimes in the dailyness of life we can forget that.  But God.  He comes unto the mundane and shows us Himself.  He is who He is, and He is majestic. 

Can I encourage you today to ask the Lord to guide you in praying expectantly?  Put those 'pie in the sky' requests before Him, He knows they are there anyway, you may as well lay them before Him, and watch and wait.  Our God is a mighty God who is able to do exceedingly more than we can even ask or imagine.  Cover your to-dos with prayer.  Cover your day with prayer.  Then work diligently and ask God to guide.  He will.

Then, let me encourage you to share...give Him praise even when it may seem small, or you may wonder if people will think you are crazy.  It's okay.  It may be small, and people may think you're crazy.  But the Lord won't.  Nothing is too small or too great for our God and He alone is worthy of Praise!

**so go ahead, Praise the Lord, and if you wanna share with me, leave me a comment, I will gladly praise Him with you!**

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