
Lately I've just been watching my life almost...as if I'm trying to observe what is going on, and what I do each day to make sure that I am doing what will make a difference in the lives of my children. Yesterday a very cool thing happened, my younger two were napping and my oldest picked up my husband's smaller Bible and asked me to read it to him. It was really cool because he opened it to Luke 19, which was the story of Zacheous..why is that cool? Well, there has been this CD in my CD player in our car for about a year now and one of the songs on it is that Zacheous song. So as I read through the story in "daddy's Bible" his face started to light up and he got so excited...which led to him asking me to read more to him. As I quickly thumbed through the pages of the New Testament, I went to Romans 10. See my soon to be 5 year old really seems to have grasp on what salvation means, though he hasn't exactly "said a prayer" his heart seems to be pretty well wrapped around the understanding that Jesus, while fully God came and lived on this earth, died for our sins, and rose again. The part he seems to be missing is the "my" He always thanks God for dying for our sins, but never for his alone...so I know at some point he will wrap his mind and heart around that. As I've been observing my oldest son and his desire to read God's word, my soul has been renewed, he's not yet 5, and he asks me to read the Bible to him, he carries his Bible in the car with us and reads it most every time we get into the van. As I observe all of this, the Lord has blessed me immensely with a renewed passion to cry out for his salvation as well as, of course, my other two sons, and my lost family members. I can't think of anything more amazing in our prayer lives than the blessing of calling out to the God of all creation and asking for His mercy upon our loved ones...that He would save them. I don't know when that day will be that my three boys will call upon Jesus, I go through this in my mind, what would be best for them..to be saved young...or later...only God knows...and only God gives salvation, and chooses those to be saved...I just love how God has blessed us with he privilege to pray...to pray and then to trust, an Almighty Loving Savior...that in His love, sent His only Son to bear the penalty of the sins of the WORLD....not just mine or yours, but ALL of ours. How amazing our Savior....how perfect of Father!!!

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