
psalm 68

As I've been "observing" my life lately it's been so chaotic. I've almost been amused at times at the craziness of raising three very young ACTIVE boys. And at times I've cried becuase it seems near impossible to hold onto "my sanity." At times I've been seriously overwhelmed...
This morning I was reading through Psalm 68, I've tried to add 5 psalms and 1 proverb to my daily bible reading....being challenged at church to get into the Psalms, and seeing my husband do it, I thought on the days that time allows I would jump into it. Oh what a blessing God's word is to my soul!! I've long loved Psalm 68, see I'm not a fatherless child, I've got parents...though they did not raise me in church...or really even teach me who Jesus was...I've always felt since I became a Christian, andbeen a part of the family of God, that I've been somewhat "fatherless" I've had to figure out a lot on my own..just letting the Lord lead me, I've never really had someone to guide me and give me godly fatherly advise...so...when I first discovered Psalm 68:5 I was swept away by the loving arms of my Heavenly Father these precious words read, "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation" How amazing...I've been stuck here on this, knowing that my perfect sovereign heavenly Father loves me and put me in my family for a perfect reason and saved me out of the depths for His own name and renown. So..today as I was basking in the beauty of this verse again, with renewed attention, I read the words of Psalm 68:6...(of course!!) "God sets the solitary in families, He brings those who are bound into prosperityl but the rebellious dwell in dry land" Wow...see I'm a but of a loner, I like to be alone, I like to read...I like to enjoy quiet time. However as Imentioned before the "madness" of a young family with three boysis anything but "alone." And over the last few weeks and months as I've been "lbserving" my life...and then this morning as I read these precious words...God just showed me..."Brittany...you used to like to be alone because you were in the company of unbelievers..but now..I've set you apart...called you by MY redeeming name...and placed you in a family of believers that love Me, and desire to serve Me....there is no need for you to want to protect yourself by being alone." See I think after living my life growing up...maybe I had adjusted myself to liking to be alone as a protection against getting hurt by relationships...I'm not a physcologist...nor do I really believe in them..but I am a childof God and I believe God's word to be the ONLY truth...and reading it tells me..>God set me, the lonely, in a family...and what a family at that..HIS family! I'm so in awe of God's word...and how consistently as we call out to God and ask Him to teach us, He answers and teaches us great and unsearchable things we do not know (Jeremiah 33:3). This morning as I thumbed through the familiar pages of a wonderful passage in Psalms...little did I know that the Lord was going to reveal to me the amazing blessing of taking me from being "alone" into His family...and making it a blessing for someone who for most of her life, prefers to be alone...and now...thoroughly enjoys her precious family...and ministering to those in the family of God...that's work only God can do!

Oh...my soul is singing Psalm 150...and now off to answer the stomping footsteps of a sweet and rambunctious 2 year old!

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