
A Renovation

I think I'm in desperate need of a renovation. Not just a facial one either, where you sand down the cabinets and prime them and paint them a nice color to save some money. I think I'm at the point where I need the Lord to come in an rip out my old cabinets and all I've got stuffed way down inside them, and replace them with His perfect cabinets.

I've been studying through Romans, and I was so captivated this afternoon by Romans 8:6-7, "For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile towards God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God for it is not able to do so." I keep coming back to this, I need the Lord to strengthen me to bring the members of my body under the control of the indwelling Holy Spirit to the glory of God (Col 3:5). So I've been thinking a lot lately what my biggest struggle is. Very quickly the Lord guided me to my mind. So you may wonder well what is going on inside your mind? Well...quite frankly it's just a lot of wondering. No complete thoughts, just aimless wondering. Not discontentment but boredom. I think I think so much that my mind wonders around and gets bored. I'm failing to be fulfilled with the calling God has placed on my life right now to be a mother, and I'm getting "bored" So then what do I do? Well, usually just check the news online. Nothing crazy...or is it? I mean really, I'm failing to bring my flesh into subjection to the Lord. I'm just falling on my face and not being transformed by the renewing of my mind, because it is easier to sit in front of the computer screen during the day when I have a brief interval from the craziness of raising three young boys instead of dig into the Word and risk getting interrupted. Or to stop and take a few minutes to pray and ask the Lord to renew my strength that I may soar with my children through life, and renew my hope in the Lord that all I am doing is not for nothing, but rather of the utmost importance, by laying my life down and cultivating the soil of their souls and pointing them to Jesus at every turn. I mean, even as I sit and type that I am amazed at my sinfulness and how I could ever get "bored" in my everyday life, because I have the privilege to stay at home with these boys and influence them for Christ.

So I turned to the scriptures to see what the Lord has to say about my mind what it should be and what it shouldn't be so I can earnestly beg Him to cultivate those qualities in my heart and mind that would honor Him. I was not too surprised, but just seriously blessed! Our minds should not be depraved (Romans 1:28), in context of this verse we need to be seeking after the Lord and living thankful lives for what we have so that our minds are not depraved and we do not turn away from the Lord.....do I hear the bell? I do, what have I been doing? Instead of taking the time to redirect my thoughts when my mind starts to wonder, I look to the world, check out the weather or the news, rather than stopping and praying or reading a scripture verse, or just thanking God for what He has done in my life. My mind should also not be hostile towards God, I read in Romans 8:6-7, that the mind set on the spirit is life and peace. This blew my mind, peace in the Greek and in this verse can be stated as, "of Christianity, the tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and content with its earthly lot, of whatsoever sort that is."

How I need to embrace the earthly lot I have and not give in to the "boredom" I so easily fall prey to. Let me assure you ladies there is seldom boring times in my home, I think this is more of a state of mind, almost as if I feel like my mind should be more engaged than just pushing cars around on the floor or teaching writing to a 3 year old. Both activities are seriously important and it's the sinfulness of my heart that allows my mind to wonder and feel as though they are not important. Don't get me wrong, every mother needs a break from her kids so that she can continue to be a godly mother and honor the Lord in her responsibilities. But while I am in the midst of them, I need to be fully engaged in them.

So as I was reading what my mind should not be, I then was recalling Romans 12:2:
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Which tells me clearly what my mind should be!

So immediately I went to the original Greek for the meaning of renewal, because this verse makes it perfectly clear what my mind is in need of, being renewed!!! This is what I LOVE, Renewed here means, "a renewal, renovation, complete change for the better."

I started thinking about myself, my sin and the disgusting state of who I am. While I was thinking on that, I just really thought, how amazing. I need a renovation. I need the Lord to rip out, demolish the old and bring the brand new marching in! Sounds like I need to be saved doesn't it? But I already have given my heart to Christ and asked Him to live in me. I think this is working out my salvation with fear and trembling (phil 2:12). I am living proof that the flesh is a VERY real enemy, and that the battle rages on, however...I know WHO is victorious, and I am thankful for that.

I feel as though my heart has been crying out for a renovation from the Lord for quite some time now. I want the Lord to change my heart for His glory. I've been staying at home for five years now, and I am learning amazing things about myself, and even far better than that, the Lord is teaching me so much and refining me, little by little. I am grateful for a Savior Who died for me while I was yet His enemy, and refuses to leave me alone in my sin. "Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways" Romans 11:33

Are you in need of a renovation in your life as well? Be confident in this dear sister, "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil 1:6

And rest in this, God's word will not return void, so we know that we can pray His word back to Him with confidence. I would encourage you to pray along with me, I am begging the Lord to "Create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10. I am crying out for Him to "restore to me the joy of His salvation." I am asking that He would lead me daily, giving me the strength to die to self and live to Him for His glory.

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