
This morning as I was driving my kids to their grandparents I had the most amazing conversation with my 5 year old. Recently he told his Daddy and I that he asked Jesus into his heart. He is five and so we wanted to make sure he understood what that meant, and so we asked him some questions about Jesus. We asked him, Who is Jesus? He said, "God's Son." We asked, "do you believe He was crucified died and was raised to life on the third day?" He responded, "Yes." We asked him, "where is Jesus now?" He said, "in Heaven with God the Father." As we listened to him answer these questions so accurately, we were both still skeptical because after all he is only five and a half years old.

I tell you, I do not want to be the mother that just brushes off their child when they want Jesus. Then of course on the flip side I do not want to be the mother that just keeps assuring my children they are saved, when perhaps they are not. But the Lord in His infinite kindness, has shown me where my heart has so fallen short of exhibiting His grace to my son, and has miserably failed in judging my sons' salvation as if I were the Lord and knew my sons' heart. I have been reading and rereading through Romans, as I am taking a class on Romans at church, and one of my favorite verses of all time is Romans 2:4: "Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?" Oh, ladies, let me tell you how flooded my heart was when the Lord showed me how I was elevating myself to judge, rather than humbling myself to love and serve my son. I was thinking incredibly to highly of myself with regard to what my young son was professing with his lips. The Lord in His infinite kindness, nudged my heart and brought me to repentance for judging my son, and has girded me with His peace (of which I am completely undeserving) with regard to my sons' salvation.

Well, wouldn't you know that just as I had repented and surrendered this to the Lord, and truly just placed my son at His feet, the Lord has been blowing my mind with the conversations I've been having with my son lately.

So back to this morning, after an insane visit to the ENT, I loaded the three children in the van and started my trek to the grandparents house. Suddenly, my oldest who has asked Christ into his heart, says, "You know Mommy, Jesus' sacrifice was enough. I mean...in the way behinds they used to have to sacrifice animals, but now we don't. And it's all because of Jesus. His blood was perfect, and we don't have to sacrifice animals now."

I thought to myself, "really, this child is FIVE!" So I responded, "yeah and you know what is so amazing about that, Jesus did that because He loves us with a PERFECT love!!!!"

To which I heard, "yes and you know that if Jesus wanted to, He could have gotten down off that cross Mommy, because He has the power to do whatever He wants. Jesus is amazing, I can't wait to see Him one day Mommy!"

I mean, ladies this was a real conversation I had with my five year old son. Let me remind you of the Lord's kindness in my life. I came to know Him at 16. I did not fully understand what a relationship with Jesus Christ looked like because I did not grow up in a Christian home at all. I think I had been to church maybe 5 times in my life prior to asking Christ to save me, and the Lord in His grace, allowed me to become involved with campus Crusade for Christ in the later years of my college experience, and be discipled for 18 months by a wonderful sister in Christ. I am in awe of the work of the Lord!

All that said, the Lord taught me something through my son this morning. I LOVE how the Lord continually uses my children to teach me of His perfection and His grace, and so much more. So, as I heard my son excitedly talk about seeing Jesus one day, I thought...he has no idea what the really means, because the way we get to Jesus is through death. We have to die to see Him. We are not guaranteed a painless death, we are not guaranteed anything other than trusting in Christ ALONE we will be in heaven with Him for eternity. We don't know the details of the journey, only the destination. My son knows nothing about the sadness or the grief or the trials of life. He knows nothing about death, in that, as we die we leave our loved ones, we leave this world behind. His mind is not bogged down in the "madness." His excitement for the Lord is contagious...his expectation of meeting Jesus in heaven is something that we all need to embrace more often, starting with myself. I thought recently as I've been praying over some medical issues, that perhaps this could be it, maybe the Lord is calling me home. Maybe not, only the Lord knows. Your mind wonders doesn't it? Inthe midst of the trials and the uncertainties of life...your mind goes there...the places you don't dare mention publicly, pondering all the what if's and the do overs. And in the midst of it, a young child both in age and in Christ says, "I can't wait to see Jesus one day in Heaven"

To be honest, I am so incredibly overwhelmed with the goodness of our God that I have absolutely no words. There is nothing inside this finite mind of mine that can do justice what our Lord is showing me in and through His word, and in the life of those around me lately. I wanted to share what the Lord is doing in my life and in my sons life to testify to the God of all the universe, the Creator of life...because God is good and He alone DESERVES the glory!!

So, I share this story, with this hope, please dear sisters, put yourself at the foot of the cross. "Call to Me and I will answer you and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3 Ladies, I beg you join me in calling out to the Lord to teach us all! Cry out to the Lord in the morning as you begin stirring, ask God, "Lord teach me great and mighty things I do not know today!"

Then immerse yourself in the word, and do it EXPECTANTLY! "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God....And the Word became Flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:1-2, 14 Ladies, we have the Lord Himself revealed to us through His word. He wants to use His word in our lives powerfully! We must responsibly seek Him! We must beg Him to fill our hearts with a passion for His name and His word. We must want to be changed for His glory. We must have the excitement of a five year old about Jesus! Let us embrace the Word of the Lord. In the midst of the madness (the madness is the daily life...) let us joyously seek Jesus, let us ask Him to show us how we can love others and serve others...for HIM. We need to be His hands and feet and so often we are so wrapped up in ourselves, we elevate ourselves to a place of importance far above where we should ever be and fail to exhibit the compassion of Christ to those around us, and when I say those around us, I mean our spouses, our children and extended family. Ladies, we've got to love them first. We've got to minister to them, be Jesus to them before we can go out and minister to the community. We've got to think more highly of them than of ourselves.

I am praying the Lord blesses your soul with His goodness and in His grace draws you nearer still to Him. I pray that the Lord would open your mind to His word and that in His grace guide and direct you for His glory!

To God be the glory!!!

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