
Our God is a strong Refuge

I heard one of my favorites today, Chris Tomlin, and it was an older on of his songs, but the lyric really just made me meditate on the goodness of our God. "You know the depths of my heart and you love me the same"

His love for me is the SAME. No matter how I feel about myself..God loves me the same. The same as in, His love went to Calvary and bled and died that I might live. His love covers a multitude of my sins...ALL of them. His love lives in me through His abiding Holy Spirit. I mean I was just really asking God to help me wrap my mind and heart around this thought, "how in the world can a perfect and holy God love a wretch like me, the same knowing the depths of my sinful heart." Meaning, no matter where I am in the fight against sin, strugging with certain sins, holding onto others, or laying them down, He loves me the same. His answer to the pondering of my heart over this?


I see in myself that it is all too easy for my feelings and heart to be swayed...to judge both others and myself based on actions or circumstances. I do not love the same. My love is not pure. My love is tainted with sinfulness, and clouded by self-righteousness. My love will never ever do justice the love that Christ demonstrated for us! Oh, how I long to be filled with the love of Christ and to truly be compelled by that love. Tonight, I am joining David, "Create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me!" Psalm 51:10, I'm asking God to "increase and overflow His love within me for those around me" (1 Thes 3:12).

How can I, a sinner saved by grace and living with the indwelling Holy Spirit, then love as Christ loved? I see no other way than to continually pursue refuge in God!

"O LORD my God, in you do I take refuge; save me from all my pursuers and deliver me, let like a lion they tear my soul apart, rending it in pieces with none to deliver." Psalm 7:1

When I take refuge in God, I am fleeing to Him for protection, I'm coming to Him in the midst of the madness and on the verge of giving into the flesh, the world or the devil and begging Him to be my strength, to be my shield to fill me with Him, that those around see CHRIST ALONE!

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