
Rescuing Truth

"But as for me, my prayer is to you, O LORD, at an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love, answer me in your saving faithfulness."
Psalm 69:13

The other morning my study time encountered an interruption. I had gotten through just about half of it and one of my little ones came into the closet. He was up, so I had to get prepared for the day before the others joined him. I had to leave for an appointment that morning so I had somewhat of a schedule for that day. So I gathered up my children and set about my day. I knew I would be gone from our house the majority of the morning and afternoon, so I knew I wouldn't get time to read the rest of the word for awhile, and I was upset. Partly because I am a type A and I like to finish what I start and then mostly because I am just really into the Psalms lately, I am finding them so rich!

So I got home that evening and finished up things around my house, to sit down before the Lord in His word..and was utterly amazed. His word was absolutely perfect, I just felt His love envelope my heart. The words I read were absolutely appropriate for the day I had had. However had I read them first, maybe I would not have been coming to God with such a hunger, and a desire for answers to a specific situation. The Lord had used the days' events to prepare my heart for His word. It was an "acceptable time." I read through Psalm 69 this morning and was overwhelmed with awe of the LORD.

David's prayer was first and most obviously to the LORD. God is our one and only hope. There is absolutely nothing man can do to us. (The LORD is for me; I will not fear; What can man do to me. Psalm 118:6). As David goes on, he prays asking God in His abundant steadfast love to answer him and at an acceptable time. I think what David is seeking is God's answer in His time! Knowing that God alone will provide that answer he seeks, his heart is filled with the peace of God. How I want the patience that is modeled here. David prays trusting that God will, in His abundant steadfast love provide an answer to his prayer. There is complete trust in his prayer. I need this. I need the complete trust that God alone will answer my prayer with His saving faithfulness. His rescuing truth (in the original Hebrew). His answer to us is often a rescue, isn't it? When I think I know what's best, who the "best" friend is for me, who my spouse should be...God sweeps in at the perfect time with His rescuing truth. Saving me from myself and my stubborn self reliance and draws me near to Him and reveals His will to me. How amazing is our Lord!

Let us call upon Him, trusting in His rescuing truth to captivate our very hearts and lives for His glory!

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