
Homeschool: Who learned more the Teacher or the Student?

I remember clearing tell a friend...... “If I am not homeschooling next year, you need to call me out on it, because I really feel after praying that this is what the Lord is leading me to do.”

Well, by His grace, she didn't have to call me out, because He led me in obedience...and on August 1, Valentine Academy opened for day one.

So I hear a few comments all the time:

“I can't believe you homeschool, I could never do that!”
“Wow...I admire you, there is NO way I could teach my own children.”
“You must be so patient!!”

By His grace, I continue to point people to His promise in 1 Thessalonians 5:24, “Faithful is He who calls you, and He WILL bring it to pass!” To homeschool you have to know that you know that that is what the Lord has called you to do, and then when you have bad days, because you will, you just have to rest in that call and simply trust Him.

So, let me testify to His goodness and grace. What did my son learn in first grade? Well, contractions, punctuation, forces, and that our country had to fight for our freedom. To name a few things. But to be honest ladies....I learned far more than I think he did.

I learned...I do NOT rely on the Lord for His strength as I need to. I try to hard to push through things. I enjoy doing things quickly and efficiently....I enjoy crossing things off the “to-do” list. I am far less patient than I thought I was.

In short, I learned, I am saved without doubt, but I have to stop thinking I have some sort of control over my sanctification. I desperately NEED to refining work of the Holy Spirit in my life daily. And as passionate as the Lord has made me about living out God's word to His glory, I am at war with my sinful flesh. I MUST refuse to let my flesh win, yet I am completely dependent upon to power of God to win that battle!!!

I learned my son is an amazing little boy, his mind is always going. He never stops wondering and creating in his head. He doesn't really care about a “to-do” list. He wants to learn even though he tells me almost daily “school is dumb.” He truly enjoys a challenge, even though I have to coax him along in some subjects. He is capable of doing far more than I realized a seven year old could.

I learned that anything worth accomplishing is worth working hard for. I learned that homeschooling my children is not about personal prestige and the ability to say, “look at me I homeschool.” I learned that my God so loves me, that He loves me through my selfishness and reaches to the depth of my soul and will use anything in this world to refine my heart.

I learned ultimately, that this time I have, is so very limited with them, that while it may be hard, and may mean I'm not at every ladies bible study, or can't hang with friends whenever I want because I may be lesson planning or whatever, I can confidently say, “I have answered His call, I have followed His lead and I am being refined by the Spirit of the living God through homeschooling my children.”

I am NOT saying everyone has this call, I am not condeming anyone who does not homeschool. I believe in my heart, every child every semester.....choose what the Lord leads you to do for the glory of His name. What is best for you, your child and your family. Not everyone is cut out to homeschool or to be homeschooled. I however, have been blessed beyond measure that the Lord would call us to this adventure, empower us to do it, and Lord willing, keep us by His grace to continue as He sees fit.
I am saying, God IS good! He does care. He speaks to us in the everydayness of life. God is a god of the mundane. He is Lord over all!

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